
Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Emotion of it All

Unless you do it, day in and day out like many of us do, you probably don't realize the raw emotion tied up in it all. Quilting I mean. Creating. The pure relief I felt when this top and backing were folded neatly waiting for the trip to the quilter this morning.

The excitement of giving a pattern a twist and making it your own.

The joy in accomplishing something really big and really beautiful.

The pride in designing and bringing an original design to life.

The sadness, and grief even, in a quilt made during a particularly difficult time.

The satisfaction in finally understanding a concept.

The surprise of something very very simple giving you so much pleasure.

What may look like fabric and thread to others is much, much more.

Lucky, lucky us.

Linking up with Really Random Thursday.


  1. This is a lovely blog post, thank you so much for sharing! I took a nap under one of my quilts today and It occurred to me that using a quilt that I made brings me an incredible amount of comfort. It's a lot of work, but it's so worth it!

  2. So true! I really LOVE that solids quilt.

  3. Nice post!

    ...tucking my girls under the quilts I made especially for them with so much love and thought...

  4. It's like the air we breathe... Thank you for expressing this sentiment.

  5. The whole process can be quite draining - but then there is always something else that inspires I'd to design and create!
    Really amazing quilts!

  6. Well stated! I love seeing all these excellent quilts too.

  7. What a wonderful sentiment! Thanks for making my day!

  8. Fab post and so very very true!

  9. Great post! I enjoyed reading it and seeing your gorgeous quilts.

  10. oh, could not agree with you more, Debbie. Really well said indeed. Thanks!

  11. Simple but true! So much of ourselves is tied up in what we create. Happy Friday!!

  12. what a beautiful post! so true. i haven't been able to quilt/sew recently and you make me realize how much i need to do so for my well-being!

  13. I love this. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  14. So beautifully said, Debbie. And so very, very true.

  15. My thoughts exactly! Why can't everyone see it that way too?

  16. Well said, and love all the creations!

  17. What a beautifully written post--and beautiful quilts! Yes,like so many things in life, you have to DO it to understand it.

  18. Wonderful post! You are as talented with words as you are with quilts.

  19. Your words express it all so perfectly Debbie - and I loved seeing all of your very lovely quilts again too!

  20. Agree! Thanks for sharing the thought! I bet it resonates with a lot of us... Happy New Year!

  21. What a spot-on post about what makes a quilter tick! Thanks for saying it so well!! Your projects are gorgeous.

  22. Thank you for your beautiful words, and the quilts that illustrate them so well!

  23. Couldn't agree more. Than goodness for quilting... And quilters :)

  24. Perfectly and beautifully said! As a new quilter I was wondering whether the emotional connection I have with my work was normal...thanks for answering that question.

  25. What a very thoughtful lovely post Debbie! You are right there are a lot of emotions in each creation!

  26. i couldn't agree more! totally love ya deb!
