
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dream Big

My sewing machine has been at the shop for over a week and I'm going through withdrawl! I've cut out several projects in its absence though, and decided tonight was the night to lay out the Dream Big quilt for my daughter. This quilt from Camille Roskelley of Simplify has been on my W.i.P. posts for several weeks now, and I confess laying it out has seemed a bit daunting. I realized today, though, that I was given a design wall years ago, and had never used it. Hubby helped me hang it, and it was the perfect place to tackle this project!
I started out slow, as it took a while to figure out the pattern placement. Eventually I got all the main blocks up. I need to look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow, adjust a bit, and then add the edge pieces. By then, hopefully, my machine will be back home and we can start stitching!


  1. Yay! It looks beautiful! Thank you in advance!

  2. That is going to be one fabulous quilt! I keep seeing everyone with these "design walls" and I want one so bad, though I don't see my husband being ok with that in the kitchen!

  3. I love this - I've been wanting to make a quilt like this for awhile!
    Can't wait to see it all put together!
