
Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm a Counter

Yes, I count. I count stairs as I walk up them, and again as I go down. I count how many eggs are in the carton and how many steps to my car. I count the hours I sleep and the days until vacation. Seriously, I count. I'm relieved to say that my daughter is a counter too, and so is my mom. At a recent family gathering, this was a topic of conversation. The counters don't know why they do, and the non-counters can't believe it's an issue!

Anyway, it's no surprise then, that I count as I quilt. Working on my Dream Big quilt, I soon discovered that it took 20 minutes to piece 4 rows, another 10 minutes to press the rows and pin them into pairs, and another 20 minutes to sew them all together. Aha! Basically 12.5 minutes PER row, times 26 rows, would mean about 5.5 hours to piece the center of the top. Thankfully, I'm a good 4 hours into this process and have 20 rows to show for my repeated and unnecessary calculations.

The design wall is almost empty, with only 6 rows left. . . 
That would be 70 minutes to me.


  1. So I guess the trick is to count, but not add up what you are counting so that you don't get yourself in the position of deciding not to finish something based on how much time you have already put into it? :) That would be me. The Dream Big quilt is gorgeous! Love the 52 week list idea. :)

  2. Sounds to me like 5.5 hours well spent :-) It's beautiful :-)

  3. I'm a counter too. I love this quilt so far, great job.

  4. I'm not a counter, but I am a former math teacher and all around math geek. :)

    This quilt looks fantastic!

  5. I'm counting down the days 'til this quilt is done! :)

  6. I laughed at this. In a good way!
