
Monday, July 4, 2011

Quilting Modern

It's barely been a year since I knew 'modern' quilting even existed. Last spring, I went with my quilt buddies to a showing of quilts by Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie Studio at Fabric Crush in Seattle. Listening to Jacquie and seeing her quilts opened up a whole new {quilting} world to me! Her use of color and 'wonky' designs was a bit of a shock to my traditional quilting style! But I loved it, and she continues to inspire me through her blog, as do many other 'modern' quilters I have since discovered, and now follow. I love the challenge to ‘move forward’, to ‘grow up’, to ‘quilt modern’.

My first little foray into wonky a few months ago was tentative, but a start!

So since the 'shocking' discovery of quilting modern, I've been trying to stretch and be a bit more modern in my own quilting, in design, color, and fabric. Needless to say, I was thrilled to be accepted into the 4X5 modern Quilt Bee recently! Right off the bat, we were asked to create an 'inspiration mosaic' so our bee members could get a feel for our color choices. After much consideration, I submitted mine:

I'm so excited to get assigned to a hive and really get going. Meanwhile, projects continue on the home-front
. . . I couldn't resist making another Mini-Swoon! I'm really enamored with this block. One of these days, I will make the full-size quilt!

Linking up my little finish with {Sew} Modern Monday. . .
{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations


  1. Your bee blocks are lovely! I really like the set of orange blocks. I like orange a whole lot - it brings a touch of unique brightness to a quilt, but is used seldomly. Really great job!

  2. Love your Swoon block! :) Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

  3. I'm so glad you started quilting modern! Love your inspiration board and Swoon mini quilt!
