
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Featured - Generation Q

I swear, this quilt has a life of its own! 
During its making, for the For the Love of Solids Swap, I was as challenged as I have ever been - by the use of only solids, by the design in my head for which a pattern didn't exist, by my own insecurity in making a "good enough" modern quilt for a secret partner I did not know.

And yet, when it was done, I was pleased - with myself, and with my quilt. And off it went to my partner, never to be seen again. But then, it popped again {here}, and lo and behold, today it is being featured on Generation Q {here}.
BWS tips button
I am humbled and honored that a quilt I designed and made would be anybody's "quilt pick of the week". And yes, I am also inspired. . . to keep challenging myself. . . to continue seeking inspiration and comradery from those in the quilting community. . . to travel further on this quilting journey I enjoy so much.


  1. Hey, that's awesome!! Way to go. :) The quilt design is lovely and unique.

  2. Oh Debbie. I would have wanted to keep the looks fantastic!

  3. So cool Debbie! You totally deserve all that recognition and more! I agree with what he said about it having a "cream-sickle" feel to it!

  4. Good for you, Debbie! I loved that quilt from the first time I saw's even better that you designed it yourself and for someone else!

  5. Exciting stuff! Of course it should be featured everywhere, it's awesome! And ten times as cool because you designed it yourself. So happy for you!

  6. This is SO COOL!!!!! I have seen this before, but somehow I missed that it was yours. It's an incredible quilt design, and quilting pattern. This rocks!

  7. Congratulations! This quilt is wonderful and it is so nice that you are getting featured!

  8. yay! You and this quilt definitely deserve it!

  9. So fun! I think you need ro make another one to keep... :)

  10. Way to go on the feature! It's an awesome quilt!

  11. Yay! That's fantastic, good for you! The quilt is awesome, of course :D

  12. It is such an amazing quilt Debbie - love the colours!!

  13. That is a very cool quilt. You deserve the recognition.

  14. I am sooooo in love with this quilt--the design, the colors! Every part of it speaks to me.
