
Saturday, October 15, 2011


Well yesterday held some interestingness! I realized that my Dead Simple Quilt had been on flickr-explore this week. Pretty cool.
Wouldn't you know it was the unfinished quilt, not the finished one I shared here. Oh well . . .

Lynne of Lily's Quilts told me that you could make a 'poster' of your flickr-explored pictures, so that was kind of cool too. (I'm not sure what to do with it, but I confess I like it.)

I did manage to join a quick little swap this week:
Yellow Aqua Gray Charm Swap
I appreciate having these coordinating charm packs for when I do bee blocks and such. This swap was so easy. I paid $2.50 extra when I ordered my fabric and they will cut it into charms for me! Wow. That was surprising but appreciated!

I also wanted to share a tip - it's not really that clever, but I just thought I'd mention how handy it is to purchase batting by the yard when you find a good sale. You might consider it, if you don't do this already. It helps so much not to have to run to the store every time I want to baste up a quilt. And I very rarely need to piece batting, which is a good thing too!

Lastly, my niece came last night for a QUILTING weekend! We set up the workspace and got some good sewing time in already. Soon, Rachel will be joining us and we plan on sewing all day! I have lots of options to work on, so I better go get sewing!


  1. I have no idea what Flickr-explored photo means, but....congrats!! Have fun having your sewing day. Wish I had some in-real-life people to sew with!

  2. Good for you! I thought about joining that swap, but I didn't. Wonder if it's full yet...

  3. Congratulations! You're all over the place! Your sewing day sounds wonderful. Have fun!

  4. Congrats on making it to Flickr Explore again! I didn't realize you did sign up for the charm swap! We are in that one together!
