
Monday, November 14, 2011

52 lists in 52 weeks//week 24 and Another 'X'

It's time for this week's list and I did a test block last night for my 4x5 modern Quilt Bee, so I decided to combine the two in today's post . . .
The block is "Missing Your Kiss" by Penny Michelle Layman of sewtakeahike, and it's in the new {and cool} Modern Blocks. My bee members are liking it, so I'll be making one for each of them soon!


  1. Looooove this! The combination of colours is great. Boy, I really gotta get my hands on that book!

  2. Great block! Love the orange and grey, too. First birthday parties are always a good time! We have one of our own coming up here in less than a month. Yikes!

  3. SO SAD we missed Grandbaby's party! Wish I could have been in 2 places at once.
    But, really like this x mini too! The different textures (patterns, really) in the fabrics are great together.

  4. What lucky bee members you have! Love that block!
