
Monday, January 2, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks//week 31

I really thought I was going to get away with it - not making new year resolutions. But wouldn't you know, when Kellie posted the list assignment for this week, it was, of course, "What are your resolutions?" For some reason, the word 'resolution' sends a wave of 'prepare to fail' through me. So I'm going to list goals - things I would like to achieve.

Of course, I've been reading everyone else's goals for days now, and that's good. It's given me stuff to think about. But when I read Kelli of Small Town Stitcher claim her 'word for the year' as balance, well that struck a real chord with me. That's what I want too, for sure.

Goals for 2012
~ I want balance as it concerns my health. I feel like I've let grief get the best of me the last few months, as far as my nourishment goes. You know I love good food. Sad thing is, I also love bad food. Am I an emotional eater? You bet. It's time to eat like I care about the body God gave me, and like I want to be around for a very long time, healthy. I'm going to try to nix the white sugar and flour better, and be wiser about snacking. Oh, and boy does my portion size need an adjustment. I may decide to follow 'a program'. I'm not sure yet, but what I've been doing hasn't been doing me any good.
~ I want balance in my house. Not that it's awful or anything, but it's time to go room to room and just clean out a bit. I honestly don't need 'super clean', but I do need tidy, and I'm just feeling the need to make a good thing better.
~ I want balance as I pursue my quilting and blogging. One look at my mosaics of last year's projects tells a story - I spent alot of time in my sewing room. Now most of that was my relaxing time at the end of a very full work day, but still. I want to be more thoughtful about what I do. Don't get me wrong, this hobby keeps me settled in a great way, and I hope and plan on sewing plenty. I have bees I'm excited to be in and a list of quilts I want to make this year. And I love blogging and want to change mine up a bit and make it better. I want to expand my quilty horizons - to continue to be challenged and learn new skills, and keep sharing my quilting with others. Thoughtful - I just want to be more thoughtful.

So there you go. That wasn't so awful. A short list, but an honest one. It actually feels good. Now it's time to move forward.


  1. Goals are good. Without a target we move through life aimlessly. The "goals" you've LISTED are worthy and wonderful--realistic and achievable. You've been there before and you will not fail.

  2. Well said Debbie! I love your goals and they sound very healthy for you and for all who enjoy spending time with you. :o) I'm with you in the no resolution department...I'm more of a "quietly live what you believe" kind of person, not so much a "declare it and then make it happen" kind of person. Thanks for sharing such thoughtful goals.

  3. Balance is always important. I've noticed quite a few bloggers stressing that for this year.

  4. I've noticed the theme of "balance" coming up on quite a few blogs this new year. It's a good one, and one that many of us struggle with, I think. Thanks for sharing so honestly. :)

  5. Great goals Debbie! I'm needing to get healthy too and be accountable for myself. I'm joining in with Erin at Missy Mac Creations, who is having a Weigh In Wednesday - you don't have to say what you weigh if you don't want!! - I think it's going to be a great motivator for me!
    I love your truthfulness and wish you much happiness 2012!

  6. I think your goals are great - grounded and real.
