
Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Revelation

Last night I puttered in the sewing room a bit, making up one last x and + block (for now). I'll get 10 in the mail to Sarah today for swapping.

And I cut out fabric for the Sparkle QAL.

But mostly, I quilted. First I basted up my Tangerine Tango top. I mulled over quilting patterns, and finally came to a decision. So on to marking. I usually dread this part. Between the choices of a marking pen that doesn't mark well, or blue painter's tape that doesn't stay put, I prefered neither. So I was pretty excited I had a new option to try!

Nicole of Mama Love Quilts had just posted about her use of a hera marker. {rush here}
I kind of remember hearing about this little tool before, but I had no idea how amazing it was. Basically you just make a mark on your quilt with the rounded end of the tool, and voila! The mark is easy to see throughout the quilting process, but not visible when you're done!
It worked like a charm marking up my quilt top, and my quilting was done in no time! 

Do be sure and visit Nicole's blog- she does some amazing work! I'm so glad we got connected!

Linking up with Friday Night Sew-In.


  1. i am going to need to get one of those. i have never tried one before but it looks like it worked like a charm! your quilting looks great!

  2. Looks great Debbie. I don't do a whole lot of marking when I'm quilting (mostly have done straight line so far) but when I do I have used those ridiculous purple water soluable pens that don't seem to work well for very long and dry out fast, at least the ones I've tried.

    Can't wait to see more of this tangerine project. We're off to Victoria....

  3. I'm embarrassed to say I have a Hera marker and have never taken it out of the package. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. What a great tool. Marking quilts has always been a bit frustrating for me but I could see this tool working really well. Thanks for sharing! Your quilt looks awesome!

  5. Sounds like a fab way to spend the day. I think I need one of those markers too!

  6. I cut my Sparkle fabrics last night too. I may just rush ahead and start piecing this weekend so I don't push it off for other projects (not that that ever happens lol).

    I can't wait to see your Tangerine Tango quilt and thanks for the tip on marking. I have never marked before as I usually do straight lines or FMQ.

  7. I use my hera marker All the time! It is greata from marking squares when making half square triangles!! I love it!

  8. Apparently I've been missing out without a hera marker! I'll be getting one of those next fabric shopping trip! I love your tangerine tango quilt. It's lovely!

  9. Love the block, the quilt and thanks for the tip! I will be putting one of those in next month's sewing budget!

  10. What a great idea! I was quilting some straight lines last night and having trouble keeping them straight...I have a hera marker...where is that thing?!?!

  11. I had one in my Amazon cart forever, but was never sure if it worked well enough to actually purchase it, so I never did, but it is going back in my cart now! So cool!

  12. I love my hera marker. However, I rarely actually mark the quilting lines, I will have to give that a try. The quilt is looking great

  13. I wonder if you can get those marker thingies in New Zealand, it looks great. I have tried masking tape but it wouldn't stay put so I usually just use cellotape.

  14. Debbie, I'm so glad the hera marker is working for you! Isn't it nice when you find little tools that make our task just a little bit easier?!? And thank you for mentioning my blog. That was very sweet of you. I'm glad our paths crossed too. I can't wait to see the full photo of this quilt you are working on. It looks great!

  15. Fantastic post!! I love your Japanese X and + block, it looks so great. The Hera Marker is a must have and will have to pick one up soon. I'm loving the orange, can't wait to see more of it too.

  16. Isn't the hera marker wonderful? I have used it and love it!
