
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Who, Me?

I was a little taken aback when I got an email from Marcia at Marcia's Crafty Sewing & Quilting Blog a few days ago. She told me that she'd just awarded me The Versatile Blogger award. Apparently, "when you consider nominating a fellow blogger for the Versatile Blogger Award, consider the quality of the writing, the uniqueness of the subjects covered, the level of love displayed in the words on the virtual page. Or, of course, the quality of the photographs and the level of love displayed in the taking of them. Honor those bloggers who bring something special to your life whether every day or only now and then."

Well, to be acknowledged for any of those reasons is pretty cool, so Marcia, thank you.

There are actually rules involved in this Versatile Blogger award business:
  • Thank the person who gave you this award and include a link to their blog. 
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. 
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
Well then . . . surprise, surprise, thanks to January of Sew Sew Go, I was awarded the Liebster Blog award yesterday! The Liebster showcases deserving blogs that have less than 200 followers. (Cutting it a little close there, but it was January's call!) Each recipient then passes the award on to five other bloggers.

As honored as I was to be acknowledged, I have a character trait that makes this difficult . . . I worry about hurting people's feelings. There are so many of you that I enjoy chatting with regularly and I truly appreciate EVERY one of my followers and visitors - even those without blogs! But I don't want to be a party-pooper either. So, in the spirit of affirmation and all, I select the following as recipients of The Versatile Blogger award.
  1. a little gray - Jessica has such a great eye for color and pattern - I love what she creates.
  2. Blue is Bleu - Audrie makes such beautiful things! And I totally enjoy her 'conversations with the Hubs' posts!
  3. Charm About You - Lucy lives in the United Kingdom and shares such a variety of fun stuff on her blog.
  4. City House Studio - Michelle and I seem to have similar tastes and I enjoy seeing her take on things.
  5. Crafting... - Heather just plain makes lovely quilts. I love that the first recipe she ever posted on her blog was for my Tuesday at the Table.
  6. Felicity Quilts - I get alot of inspiration from Felicity's creations. Lovely stuff.
  7. gemini stitches - Kirsten lives in Australia, links up with Tuesday at the Table sometimes, and always has several projects in the works!
  8. Grace and Favour - Carla has a fun feature where she shares from her Moda club, and just creates lovely quilts.
  9. HoosierToni - I love how Toni shares about her life on the farm. She's a Tuesday at the Table regular, and I enjoy how she tells tales about her boys - so sweet. She's a mighty fine quilter too!
  10. kiss kiss......Quilt - I'm fairly new to Nicke's blog. I love her photography, and how she shares about her family and her quilts.
  11. Mama Love Quilts - I 'met' Nicole fairly recently, but I've learned alot from her and been so inspired by her work!
  12. Quiltycat - I confess I adore Nichi's blog name, her occassional cat pictures, and that she lives in Italy. All that aside, I really like her stuff!
  13. Sew Sew Go - I enjoy January's matter of fact way of writing, and she's really good at sharing process.
  14. she can quilt - Leanne inspires me with her work! She goes above and beyond every time.
  15. The History Quilter - I love how Susan shares about daily life and cooking, as well as her quilting. Plus I enjoy her podcast. Plus she's a regular contributor and encourager at the table.
And as recipients of the Liebster Blog award: 
  1. Billy Button Design - I'm one of Erin's newer followers. I really like her style.
  2. Jeliquilts - Kelly is a fairly new blogger - I love her header(!) and all the other projects she's stitched up!
  3. Katie Mae Quilts - Kate keeps me chuckling with her sense of humor. I love it.
  4. Modern Cozy - Darcy is a foodie too, and I love that about her. She also does some awesome quilting!
  5. Unconventional Katie - Katie is working towards a degree in art and textiles, so she shares a bit of both on her blog.

As for those 7 things to tell you about myself . . . I feel like you know alot about me already, so the following may seem somewhat random!
  1. I have a home-ec degree (that's what they called it back then!), but my first job out of college was as a computer programmer in the aerospace industry. Go figure.
  2. We've delved into Enneagram where I work (personality types). I'm a 7 with a 6 wing. Confusing stuff.
  3. When I started quilting, I had a goal of a quilt on every bed in the house. Met that. The other day, daughter dear counted up how many quilted items are in our house. Kind of funny, but yikes.
  4. I love capri and sandle season. Opening Day is April 17 according to my co-workers.
  5. Allergies prevent our home having a cat, and that is truly unfortunate, IMHO.
  6. The Pacific NW gets a bad rap due to the rain, but personally, I don't mind it. I go without a coat if I think I can survive, and I never use an umbrella.
  7. I used to bribe hubby, daughter, and son with Starbucks cards to get them to help write the family Christmas letter. Bad mom, huh?
Ok, there's more than you probably wanted to know! But do know that I really enjoy being in this quilting/blogging community with you. Versatile? Liebster? Whatever, you're a winner to me!


  1. Congrats!!! That's pretty awesome!! Way to go :)

  2. Congratulations! A very well deserved award, I'd say.

  3. Congrats on your awards!!

    #6 of the things about you.. That is my exact thoughts on the matter as well. Hubby is always telling me to get my coat, get my umbrella... blah blah blah... I grew up here! I don't need no stinking umbrella! LOL!!

  4. Congratulations!! Thank you so much for thinking of me :) I've already kindly been given the award and not sure I'd be able to think of 7 more things about myself, I found it really tough!! Yours were very interesting and now I'm intrigued as to how many quilted items are in your house?!! x

  5. Congrats Debbie!
    This was really fun to read.
    Thanks for awarding me, too - you're so sweet!

  6. You certainly do deserve these awards for such an inspiring blog! Thank you for sharing it with me. Those yellow-orange and text blocks you have scattered about in all that are looking interesting. And I too wonder how many quilty things you have.

  7. Awesome, Deb! You deserve to be noticed and awarded--sort of a nice birthdayish treat! I'm proud to know you--and to read your blogs. Congrats!

  8. oh thanks so much deb! you are the greatest!!! and i am with you on the cat situation! i wish we could have one but my husband is terribly allergic! i promised him he would never have to worry about having a cat in our house, i regret that promise a little... ;) kidding, i do wish we could have a cat though.

  9. Thanks so much for recognizing me, Debbie!!

  10. Aw, thank you, Debbie!

    I bet your family used to hold out on helping with Christmas cards just to get the gift cards. I know that's what I would have done!

  11. Oh my so much to comment on! First of all congratulations on your awards and second, thank you for listing all of those great blogs (including me!) many I have never seen before and look forward to visiting.
    April 17th is Opening Day for capri/sandal wearing season? Sounds good to me - I love it too. Don't use an umbrella...impressive. :) Rained down here yesterday for about 30 minutes and everybody goes nuts...yea I used an umbrella while walking into the gym. hehe

  12. Congratulations, Debbie!
    And thanks for recognizing me!

  13. Somehow I missed this blog!!

    The award for you was totally deserved, you create beautiful things!!

    Thank you so much for recognising me!

  14. Ok, I'm FINALLY getting caught up on blog reading from being gone on vacation and I see this. Congratulations! That is awesome and completely deserved! And thanks so much for mentioning my name in all that great company. I love hearing all the random things about you!
