
Sunday, March 25, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks//week 42 Etcetera

12 things I've learned so far in 2012:
(or at least they've been reinforced!)
  1. sometimes change is good
  2. rescheduling a haircut too many times catches up with you
  3. mixing and matching fabric for a project feels good
  4. personal style changes over time
  5. grief lingers 
  6. every year, it's harder and harder to stay in shape
  7. machine quilting is kinda fun
  8. hugs from a grandgirl makes any day great 
  9. it's amazing how satisfying a square of dark chocolate can be
  10. starching hasn't impressed me yet
  11. having an office to oneself feels luxurious 
  12. encouraging newbies is very gratifying
What I'm working on . . .

Did you notice the new Festival of Half Square Triangles announced by Canoe Ridge Creations starting April 2? Definitely worth a glance - see details here.

And Lindsey of LRstitched and Sukie of Don't you know who I am? are cohosting a Zakka Style Sew-Along also beginning April 2! {see details here} My copy of Zakka Style is on its way, and I'm hoping to sew along at least a few of the projects.
Zakka Style Sew Along
I don't think April is going to be boring!


  1. I really like your lists Debbie - so 'real'. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. I agree with so many of these! Isn't going to feel great when you are finished with that quilt? I need a bit of your perseverance!

  3. Great list and ain't number 6 a STINKER!!!! April is FULL of projects and I am looking forward to them so much!!!!

  4. fun list. I will comment on the starching part, I just bought a refill of my fav spray "starch" called BEST PRESS, now i never use it to starch it so much it's stiff, it just helps get the wrinkles out faster with a steam iron, mine is lavender scented, I love that.... have you tried it?
    now I don't like the cheap regular spray starch from the stores, it leaves residue on the fabric and the iron, such a mess. this one doesn't.

  5. Great list! And I agree with both #6 and #9 indefinitely! :)

  6. Debbie, you've learned a lot already and we're only up to March!

    Is that the scrappy depression quilt? Looks great! I even recognize Just Wing It!

  7. encouraging newbies, well i've definitely been appreciating all your encouragement! Great list Debbie!

  8. Great list for the week. I have my Zakka Style book hopefully sitting waiting for me to pick up at the sorting office in the morning. Think I may skip the HSTs though, they stress me out too much!

  9. I love your list and I agree with so many - you can`t be a grandmother though can you???

  10. grief does linger. it is unique to you. take care of yourself. xoxo

  11. I saw the post about the Festival of HST's too - looks like fun!

  12. So have you tried starching now? I still haven't and would like to hear more about your experience! I like you photo too, is that a new HST project?

  13. Debbie, I totally appreciate that list (and got a chuckle from many... in that "I know EXACTLY what she means!!" way).

  14. That's a good list so far. Looks like you are having some fun quilting!
