
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Finish-A-Long First Quarter Finishes

Back in early January, Rhonda from Quilter in the Gap began a Finish-A-Long that had my name written all over it! {see my post about it here} The simple goal was to list projects from 2011 that you would seriously like to get finished in the first quarter of 2012. I made a list that was short, and hopefully doable. And I confess this commitment niggled my brain many times as I veered off onto other projects. But in the end, I persevered and can claim a 100% finish rate - big whew!

This set of Color Block placemats were a Christmas gift for my coworker, and as of January 2, I had 2(!) of 8 done. (The pattern, by Elizabeth Hartman of Oh, Fransson!, can be found here.)
Within a week, I had my first finish of the year.

Next on the list were these scrappy depression blocks from Scrapbuster Swap Round 3.
As I showed off earlier in the week, the addition of scrappy sashing and border resulted in this twin-size quilt, which was donated yesterday in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Holden Village, an ecumenical retreat center in the mountains of Eastern Washington. {a whole quilt story blogged here}
Scrapbuster Swap Round 3 quilt using scrappy depression blocks is finished!

Lastly, was my Hometown Wild Thing by Thimble Blossoms. I had one block done at the time.
I really enjoyed these pinwheel blocks, and chose solid borders and simple quilting to frame them up. {blogged here}
Wild Thing complete 

Three for three feels pretty good.

Linking up for the Finish-A-Long's First Quarter Linky Party!

2012 Finish-A-Long


  1. WTG you. I need to finish my last finish today!

  2. Congratulations on all your finishes, Debbie! Both quilts and the placemats are just beautiful. Not to mention all the other things you got done this quarter that weren't on the list!

  3. Those are all such wonderful finishes and good for you to finish all you planned!

  4. Awesome, good for you Debbie. :)

  5. Wow I'm not sure if I've gotten a 100% in anything since high should be proud!

  6. Good for you on all of the finishes...wish I had such follow-through-itness lately! Then maybe I could get to the 25 new projects I really want to start!! ;)

  7. Thats great well done! I don;t think I have done anything lol! Great finishes too!

  8. Well done! You did better than I did - I was 2 for 3, but I did make progress on the 3rd, so not too shabby. :)

  9. Good for you, look at all those finishes! Love the scrappy depression blocks, they look great :)

  10. Great job--I'm impressed! They all look beautiful. I have so many just started quilts or almost finished quilts. Guess I need to join a finish-a-long...someday.

  11. Great finishes! I should take a leaf out of your book and get on with my WIPS ;)

  12. Well done on all your finishes. I particularly like the fresh colors in the place mats.

  13. The placemats are great! I need to make some of those. I'm so impressed with all your finishes and your projects look terrific!

  14. good work debbie! 100%! awesome!
