
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wild Color

It happened again. Perfectly normal work day. Coworkers coming together to talk about this project or that. And I just blurt out to one of them, "I love your scarf! I have to make a quilt in those colors!"

I don't know why they look at me funny when I do things like this!


  1. ha! you are awesome! i can't wait to see your scarf quilt!

  2. hahaha, they just don't get it! great colors - any idea on layout (since I'm sure the wheels have been churning )

  3. I ran back out to the car to get a piece of paper to sketch out a quilt block based on a design on the checkout girl's shirt once. LOTS of stares on that one...but it will be an awesome block! Love your color choices.

  4. Love it!!! Isn't the world just full of quilt inspirations? All those people should get on board and see a potential quilt everywhere, too.

  5. Haha, but then you can write about it on your blog and we all think it's perfectly normal!

  6. I have the same issue too Debbie. I just ignore the weird looks and wait until I hang the finished quilt in my office and invite them in to take a look.
