
Sunday, April 15, 2012

52 lists in 52 weeks//week 45 and a Glimpse

Ok, all of you - I need your help! The current week's list assignment is: "A list of kid sayings." Those cute little kid sayings from my own home are a distant memory, and precious grandgirl is still working on simple words and phrases, the likes of "more" and "oh, shoes". So here, in the comments, leave us some touching, some funny - whatever you've got. Help me with my list!

As a thank you, another glimpse of my current project in stained glass mode . . .


  1. Debbie, I just LOVE your HST project. So fun and original. As for kid sayings, you'd think I'd be able to think of some since my kids are only 8 and 10 but at the moment I am drawing a blank. I'll get back to you if I think of something!

  2. Loving the current project, but alas, all outta kids...

  3. From the mouth of my four year old:
    "X marks the spot" - all day long nonstop.
    Instead of Why it is "What is it?" or even better "What it is?"
    Everything is either "Cute" or "Beautiful" even my breast pump. Actually my breast pump is "Beautiful" and his baby brother is just "Cute."

    Love your HST project, and especially love the photo!

  4. my favorite thing my son is saying right now is "MOOOOOMMMM!!!!! TTTRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK!!!!!!!" all the time! sometimes it is Car or Tractor but usually it is just Truck!

    also, he has a littl mouse he plays with and for some reason he was calling it a house... i said "no honey, it is a mmmmmmouse" and he said, "oh yeah, house." ha! ;)

  5. The main one which always makes me thinks of kids and sayings is .... "Are we there yet?" DO you know that one?

  6. I still get "why? why? why?" (Answer: ask Google.)

    Can't wait to see all of the HSTs!

  7. No help on the cute kids sayings. All I have are cute dog stories. :)

    I love your HST project. Tough competition for the one I'm entering. ;)

  8. Hi! Your quilt is going to be so beautiful! Sorry but no help for the kid things either from here! One of my dogs speaks a lot, but I can't translate that.
    x Teje

  9. Oh, those HSTs are looking really cool, Debbie! And as far as kid sayings go, you would think I would have quite a few but they are escaping me right now. Though last night Wyatt came into the house and before I could see him he started yelling "Mommy, you aren't going to want to see this!!". Good times. Other than that I hear a lot of "But why?"...

  10. My son makes himself laugh quite a bit. He'll start laughing and say, "That's silly. I funny!" Oh to be so easily amused with life again.

  11. I love the pic! My kids have said all kinds of crazy things...Oren says something hilarious like every other day. Once when Emma was little we were over on the UF campus and a guy was jogging. She says "See that man is running." And I said "Yep, he's going fast isn't he?" And she says "Yeah, him don't know where his car is." Like duh, why would you run on the road unless you don't have a car like everyone else!! ;)

  12. Beautiful!! My little grandson wished me "Hoppee burrrrrd daaay, Graaama!" on the phone last week, after some coaching by his mama. The hilarious part was after, when he said bye, and proceeded to flap his arms and run around the living room, cooing like a pigeon. That's my boy! LOL!

  13. We kept a computer file for each kid of all the funny things they said. My favorite was when Julia was really little. We were at an outdoor Christmas event and there were luminaria lining the sidewalks. Some of the candles had gone out and Julia asked why. I told her the wind must have blown them out. She asked, "Is it the wind's birthday?"

  14. Love all of those beautiful Terrain HST's Debbie - the stained glass effect is gorgeous!

  15. The quilt is looking wonderful. My kids said "Don't ask me that." because they did not want to answer. Or, "we've already discussed that" when it seemed to them we might return to talking about something they were in trouble for. Now they say "Mommmmm" in that teenage voice that means stop bothering me. Good luck with your list.

  16. My five year old loves to look at our children's atlas with my husband, who also loves (and teaches) geography. They go over the names of different countries and continents together. Anyway, one day she brought the atlas over to show her Grampa what she was learning with Daddy, pointing out different counties to him. "And this one," she said proudly, "is called Chicken." Confused, my dad checked and saw that she was actually pointing at Turkey. Close, right? :)

  17. When she doesn't want to go to bed: "The dark hurts my eyes!"
    Or when she 's having trouble putting on her shoe: "Mom! My shoe doesn't wanna cooperate with me!"
