
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Zakka Along Week 1 :: Zig Zag Tote

Whew! I totally didn't think I would get week one's project done on time for the Zakka Style Sew Along - the ZigZag Tote! But here it is, for better and for worse. I love the zigzag design, but not that a few zags are not as pointy as they should be. Not really sure why. Love the linen though, and the quilting, and the bag overall. The finished size is different than I expected. I reread p. 12, step 5 over and over, knowing that this was what determined the depth of my bag. Mine's 6" rather than the 3" in the pattern specs. So a book bag it's not, but it's still pretty darned cute.
Zakka Style Zigzag Tote

Linking up with Zakka Along Week 1 at LRstitched.


  1. Lovely bag Debbie - I was so tempted to buy the Zakka book at Spotlight yesterday:)

  2. It's a very pretty bag, but I had no idea it was such a little one! Kinda glad I didn't join in this week, I have enough bags that size!

  3. That IS cute! And what's that in the background?

  4. I love your zakka-bag, it´s absolutly cut!

  5. Sure, bags are super useful whatever shape they are :o)

    I'm currently working on 4 of them o.O I can't get upset that I'm not done on time though, it was a little absurd trying to hit 3 birds with that one stone lol

  6. Very fun bag! I'm sure you'll find something to carry even if it isn't books!

  7. Awesome bag, even if it is a little longer than planned!

  8. I KNEW you'd get it done - LOVE that Loulouthi! I think you went back 3" from the point instead of back 1.5" - the distance back from the point is doubled across to give you your width. The book showed 3" across but didn't say 1.5 BACK which would have made it more clear. Still a wonderful bag!!

  9. Super cute, what a great use of Loulouthi, it looks great!

  10. Your bag turned out great! So cute. :o)

  11. great bag debbie! love the loulouthi!

  12. It looks great, even if it wasn't exactly what you planned.

  13. Strange size difference. Still it's a cute bag!

  14. Love your bag Debbie. I must get some of that light colored linen. The quilting shows up nicely on it.
    When I made this, I thought the 3" seemed like too much to take in for the bottom, so I ignored it and did my own thing. Now after seeing Darcy's comment, I get it!
    The instructions are a bit misleading,(3 inches from point) especially if you look at the pic too. Have a great week!

  15. LOVE this bag! I'd be proud to carry it and fill it with whatever worked. :)

  16. This looks great! I thought about making one but don't think I need another tote bag right now.
