
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday at the {picnic} Table

Well friends, the link up for July's Tuesday at the {picnic} Table ends at midnight tonight! And Wednesday, in amongst W.i.P. Wednesday and Fresh Sewing Day, I'll choose and announce a random winner! {Forget what the prize is? You can check it out here.}

I highly suggest you take a peek at the link ups - there's lots of good recipes, some lovely table-talk, and a variety of awesome kitchen/picnic/food-related projects. And then consider linking up yourself!

Meanwhile, my topic for today is Deviled Eggs! I think they are one of those foods that you love or you hate. So you probably have a strong opinion about them. But either way, they are great for pot-lucks, barbecues, and definitely for picnics! I'll start off with one of my stand-by recipes . . .

Deviled Eggs with Chive and Tarragon
Recipe from Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes by Jeanne Kelley

6 large eggs
3 Tb. sour cream
2 Tb. mayonnaise
2 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 Tb. snipped fresh chives
1 Tb. minced fresh tarragon
pink peppercorns, cracked, or black pepper

Cover the eggs with water in a large saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer. Simmer eggs slowly for 5 minutes. Remove the eggs from the heat, cover, and let stand for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water to cool. Refrigerate the eggs until well chilled.

Peel the eggs and carefully cut them in half lengthwise. Remove the yolks and transfer them to a medium-sized bowl. Set the whites aside. Stir the yolks with a fork, breaking them into bits. Add the sour cream, mayonnaise, and mustard and stir until smooth. Mix in the chives and tarragon and season with salt to taste. Spoon the yolk mixture into the egg whites, dividing evenly. Sprinkle the tops with pink peppercorns. Serve, or chill and serve within 3 hours. Makes 12.
To be honest, I substitute minced basil for the tarragon, put the mixture in a large zip-lock bag with a tip cut off and 'pipe' the filling into the whites. and lastly, I do not have pink peppercorns, but I do have pink salt, so that is what you see sprinkled over the eggs, along with some chives.

According to wikipedia, deviled eggs are kind of a universal dish, with regional twists found all over, especially in Europe. Also, "Deviled eggs are so popular in the United States that special carrying trays are sold for them." I don't have one, but I do have a deviled-egg platter, yes I do.

Looking for a new variety to try? Check out Deviled Egg, with over 50 to choose from! There are deviled egg recipes galore on the web! One I'd really like to try - Deviled Eggs with Candied Bacon. oh yeah.

Thanks much for joining me for Tuesday at the {picnic} Table! It may be the last day, but feel free to jump right in with a recipe, some foodie-talk, or a table-related project . . . and link up here!


  1. Deviled eggs are another one of those things that I really like but never think to make. Yours look great, especially with the pink salt. Candied bacon sounds like a fun addition, too!

  2. I'm hosting a 70th birthday party for my MIL this upcoming Sunday and she loves Deviled Eggs. Your recipe will definitely be on my table this Sunday. Thank you so much for hosting Tuesday at the {picnic}Table this month - wished I had been able to link up every week. :)
    Oh...I think you've just taught me how to correctly boil an egg!

  3. Is it seriously July 31st already??? Okay, I'm writing my post right now!

  4. I love them! I did a version a few months ago that used cream cheese instead of mayo and had jalapenos throughout! So good!
