
Friday, July 20, 2012

Zakka Along Week 16 :: Patchwork Ribbon

I'm a curling-ribbon kind of gal. So when I saw this week's project, my Zakka-loving heart kind of sank a tiny bit. And when I read about The Patchsmith's experience, it sank some more. But gee whiz, the project was by Melody Miller, for goodness sake. Out of respect for her awesomeness, I at least had to give her project a go. So it was a relief of sorts when I saw that Linda of I Finally Have Time and Simone de Klerk were happy with how theirs turned out.

I had some sherbet pips jelly roll strips languishing in the stash closet, and was hopeful they might make some cute ribbon. Besides, the thought of patch-working strips together was out of the question. (Not sure why I didn't think to add some linen in there though - silly me.) Anyway, with the pinked edges, I experienced very little fraying as I stitched them up, right sides together. I went with a pink straight stitch, which worked just fine and added a little contrast to the mostly light-colored length. I used ten strips stitched end to end, then halved, to made a length about 6 1/2 yards long. 
I pressed and starched several times with Best Press, but it was still pretty limp when I tied up my Zakka book.
But at least it smelled linen fresh!

Linking up with lrstitched.


  1. Yours turned out so sweet! Love how you used the zigag sciccors!

  2. Perfect to tie up a swap item for a quilter. It is lovely.

  3. Ah well, you did it! Onwards and upwards. It is cute though. :)

  4. You make everything look so tempting Debbie!

  5. I love that you said "out of respect for Melody Miller's awesomeness." So true!

  6. Adorable! This would be a charming way to wrap a baby gift or a present for a little girl! I love that it's not too stiff...and that it smells good!

  7. this fabric is perfect for the ribbon, so adorable!

  8. I love the fabric you used in your ribbon.
    Maybe you could add a few square postage stamps on linen to them with the recipient's name on to sneak some linen in there ;0)
    Its more than gorgeous as is though xxxx

  9. Heh, the book looks cute with its bow anyway :o)

  10. Pinking the edges is an excellent idea - it is what they do to the charm squares and they don't seem to fray too much. I love how people have found ways to make this project work for them. If I was to remake the ribbon I would use a combination of all these brilliant ideas.

  11. That's a better idea to pink the edges first. That would probably of helped anyone else who made it and weren't all to pleased with the final product =D

  12. Great job. All of your ribbon looks great!
    Linda F.

  13. Very pretty! I thinking pinking the edges is the answer to these!

  14. This looks so pretty all tied up in a bow - love your idea of using JR strips.

  15. Sorry that it didn't work out as you'd like. Still looks good to me. And I admire your willingness to give it a go!

  16. Great fabric choice, Debbie. I've passed on the last few Zakka projects, but I'm determined to get back in the game next week!

  17. 6 1/2 yards? Girl you gave this a real good effort. Pretty fabric too!
