
Monday, August 20, 2012

An {herbal} Table Tidbit :: The Prize

Well we are half-way through the month-long Tuesday at the {herbal} Table feature. Just link up a recipe or a table project or something else relating to The Table. If it's herbal, great, but it doesn't have to be - 
that's just a suggestion if you want one! The linky will be open through Wednesday, August 29. Later that week, I'll choose one random winner from all of the link-ups this month. 

So here are the super fun goodies in this month's prize package for that one random winner!

First off, zipit has offered a $20 gift certificate to their shop! These are just awesome zips - the only ones I've used since I've started blogging. Zipit has super bundles and a rainbow of colors - perfect to have in your stash, so they're there when you need them!

Pink Chalk Fabrics also has given a $20 gift certificate to their shop! I consider this my 'local' online fabric store, but they have alot more than just {the latest!} fabric. Shipping turnaround is super-quick and their customer service is awesome.

And, since this is a foodie feature after, all, I'm pleased that Alice of Savory Sweet Life has shared a copy of her new book! It's beautiful, and chock full of inviting recipes "for every family occasion."  I made a yummy Cobb Salad from it the other night, and you can see I have tabs marked in my copy of what to try next!

So are you tempted? I sure hope so! Come on, share that recipe you've made, the one you want to make, those napkins or placemats you've stitched up, or tell us about how fun your last cookout was! Join in and share around the table!


  1. Fun prizes! I am writing my blog post now.......

  2. Wow! Great prizes Debbie! I need to get another post in the running : )

  3. I'd sure like to enter. But I don't have a clue about the linky thing. I love those zippers. I can tell you my hubby made some great grilled curry chicken this weekend.

  4. Can I enter something I've made from a recipe? =D
