
Sunday, August 19, 2012

News Travels

Browsing flickr last Friday, I caught sight of Melissa/Mama Missa's triple-zip pouch and I could hardly believe my eyes! SO cute! The tutorial had been up just a few days, and it was so affirming and exciting to see that someone had actually used it!
triple zip pouch 

Then last night, I got an email that the tute was up at Freebies for Crafters. And this afternoon, it was featured at Totally Tutorials. These sites are a treasure-trove of tutorials for all kinds of projects, and it's pretty cool to have mine included.
   Totally Tutorials Blog

So things are looking good for the triple-zip!


  1. Hooray for you, Debbie! Well done!!

  2. See, the world was calling out for a triple zip pouch! Well done!

  3. Congrats! (But I'm totally not surprised - your tutorial is awesome!)

  4. Well done Debbie. I really have to make this one. By the way it's floating around Pinterest too. LOLL

  5. How exciting! You're having a great bloggy week, huh? I'm away from my machine but would like to try this soon!

  6. Congratulations Debbie! This is a great pouch & I loved making mine. Can't wait to make more!

  7. Nice, it is such a lovely project and deserves to be seen all about the internet.
