
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday at the Table

My mom was gifted with a couple of bags of fresh plums this week, which she in turn shared with me! I used some of mine to make Smitten Kitchen's Dimply Plum Cake.
I made just a couple of tweaks to the recipe:
1 - I didn't have a fresh orange on hand to zest, so I used 1/2 tsp. of Boyajian orange oil; and
2 - I topped the cake with some fresh toasted hazelnuts
(Random - did you know Oregon is the second largest producer of hazelnuts in the world, behind Turkey? At least that's what we were told on our epicurean walking tour last month.)

This cake was easy and tasty, which was perfect. We enjoyed it as a sweet treat after dinner, but it would be equally good at breakfast or tea-time. I could even see making it with chopped apple or pear.

What's been going on in your kitchen or around your table this week? Any new fall projects to share? Link up here!


  1. Way too much turkey is going on here ; ) your cake looks tasty

  2. Looks good Debbie, I love hazelnuts in baked goodies. Haven't made a darn thing in the kitchen lately worth blogging about. Must be in a cooking slump. I need to go watch Ina or Giada, or Pioneer Woman. Food Network here I come....

  3. Even though we both are from the US, sometimes I feel that the food you cook vs. what I cook is worlds apart! LOL I've never heard of plum cake much less had any! It sure looks good.

  4. nuts! i missed today! i have to get my post up!

  5. Lucky mom and lucky you getting gifted with plums!
    Great trivia about hazelnuts and Oregon. Wouldn't think Oregon and Turkey have the same kind of climate to grown Hazelnuts...interesting!
    If I remember to buy plums at my local farmer's market on Sunday I will try this recipe. :)

  6. Gosh I forgot to snap a picture of my cake and now it's almost done! =D
