
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

W.i.P. Wednesday

Considering I've only been home about 48 hours in the last week, I don't really have much project progress to show, but I do have proof that I met W.i.P. Wednesday's lovely host, Lee, at Sewing Summit, and to me, that's worth something!

Finished projects
Metal Frame Purse - Made in a SS class, I'll share more about this project later in the week.

Ongoing projects
Halloween Stitchery - Got a good start on it.

Mod Pop Quilt-along - I almost have all of my curve blocks sewn, got one full block completed, and am about ready to stitch up another.

Modern Crosses quilt - More piecing done at Sewing Summit open sew!

Christmas quilt and Dresden projects - no progress.

Upcoming projects
* October bee blocks
* scrappy Metrolink - who knows when, but I still really want to!
* more frame purses
* Polaroid block projects
* placemats
* Binary quilt using blocks from Modern Blocks Bee
* Sew Lux Challenge project
* UR Priceless Blog Hop project
* Christmas!

Linking up with W.i.P. Wednesday.


  1. Bet you had a fabulous time at the Sewing Summit!

    Loving the Mod Pop - such gorgeous colours!

  2. I think meeting Lee and having your picture taken together absolves you from having to show any progress this week! Your frame purse is cute and
    Mod Pop is coming along nicely!

  3. Love your pouch, love love love mod pop and love the halloween kitty. I sent Julia a pack of embroidery supplies, but I'm thinking it would be a perfect TV project for me!

  4. You have a lovely set of projects on the go. I am loving the purple Mod Pop.

  5. such lovely projects, Debbie! And how wonderful that you got to go to the Sewing Summit, hope you had tons of fun.

  6. Hope you had lots of fun at the Summit... And how fun to meet Lee in person.

    Your dotty purse... I can't wait to hear more about that :)

  7. These all are awesome! I love that sweet little kitten!

  8. Your Mod Pop blocks are awesome - are they difficult to make? Awesome stichery, too!

  9. Great picture! Love those groovy curves too!

  10. You both look lovely. Good job on the Mod Pop quilt Debbie. those curves!

  11. How exciting! Your pouch is adorable, and I'm glad to see some progress on your mod pop blocks!

  12. wooohoo love that mod pop, great choice on the colors!

  13. Loved seeing your pouch and thanks for letting me copy the pattern/instructions.

    It was lovely meeting you and see you working on the blocks. That will look amazing once it's done.

    The embroidered kitty is killing me. Omg, such sweet stitching.

    Thanks for making me giggle myself silly Saturday night.

  14. I'm really loving the way your mod pop is coming along! I've been enjoying your progress in the flickr group. :)

    So cool that you got to meet Lee at SS!! (And that you got to GO to SS!)

  15. Beautiful work, Debbie! That cat is too cute! I love the purples in your mod pop quilt. Can't wait to see it come together!

  16. What great blocks for a quilt, very modern, and they look very nicely done! Visiting from freshly pieced

  17. What great colors on your Mod Pop!

  18. I am SUPER impressed with all the curves on that quilt! I took Christina's class at SS and learned a ton. I have really enjoyed all your SS recap posts, and loved meeting you and your daughter. I also agree- I really wish we would have gotten a Weekender group photo - we have to do that next year!! :)

  19. Still got that little purse on my to-do list. Also getting the itch to embroider something small and quick. Looks like fun!

  20. Woot, you got a lot more than me done!
