
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Random and More Random

One great way to start a day is to wake up to the news that you won a stack of fabric! And that's just what happened to me this morning. A random draw was taken from those in the Mod Pop QAL that had finished their quilt tops, and I lucked out as the winner! Much thanks to Leanne/shecanquilt for hosting the QAL, as well as Cindy/Fluffy Sheep Quilting for the generous stack! Just in case you missed my 'Ta Da' post, as Leanne calls it, you can read about my Mod Pop and see more pics here.
Mod Pop tops complete

Only one of the bees I participate in has blocks due this month, and I've been working on them this week to clear the way for Christmas sewing. They are Converging Corners blocks for FAITH circle of do.Good Stitches. We are using a tutorial by Film in the Fridge.
Converging Corners block

Converging Corners block

Do any of you remember back in August, where one of the prizes for Tuesday at the {herbal} Table was a copy of Alice Currah's Savory Sweet Life?
Well I went to the Tom Douglas Cookbook Social on Tuesday night and met Alice! It was so nice to meet her in person and thank her for the support of A Quilter's Table! Do take a few minutes to visit her site - there's some pretty awesome looking Salty-Sweet Dark Chocolate Bark. mmmmm

And speaking of good tastes, here's a pic of a delicious Red Wine Velvet Cake I made for a staff birthday this week. With its Marscarpone Frosting, it is quite the revelation.
It's from Smitten Kitchen's new cookbook and this recipe is definitely getting marked with a star! The book is really lovely and I highly recommend it, but if you don't have it, there is another version of the recipe on her blog here. I plan on making this version also, as it makes a smaller (unfrosted) cake. I think there's room for both of these in my repertoire. 

If you live anywhere near Seattle, it's exciting news to hear that Drygoods Design's make*do*mend studio opens up this weekend! There are lots of great classes and events planned, plus it's right next door to their fabric shop and a tasty little coffee bar. I can't wait to check it out.

Lastly, are you having fun with Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day?! If you missed my giveaway, feel free to enter here!

Linking up with Really Random Thursday.


  1. Congrats on your win - that stack is so pretty! Converging corners looks great.

  2. Yum! Those treats look delicious! I love the quilt blocks, too. Congrats on your win!

  3. It's so fun to win fabric, congrats! Lovely work you do! And those treats, so yummy looking!

  4. So nice to see all those Mod Pops here too, congratulations again for winning. And the cookbooks and cake look wonderful.

  5. Your cake looks yummy- as usual! And the bee blocks are great- such interesting colours!

  6. Those recipes looks fabulous -- I always love a good treat that balances sweet & salty. Congrats on your well deserved prize!

  7. I saw your win this morning. Yay!!

  8. Congrats on the win, looks like you've been having a fun week so far!

  9. Converging corners is another one on my must do list. Enjoy. They look good

  10. It's so much fun to win beautiful fabric. Congrats! And that cake looks amazing.

  11. So cool to win fabric. And wow does that cake look good! Thanks for reminding me to check out that cookbook!
