
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Random Bits

I've odds and ends to share! First up, loved seeing this quilt top over at The Busy Bean!

I met Colleen at Sewing Summit, and even though I don't have a selvage project in mind right now, I'd like to try one some day, and will definitely refer back to Colleen's tutorial when I do.

There's a Good Stitches celebration going on right now, and among other things, some voting between the various do.Good Stitches bees. We all submitted our favorite quilt that we made in the last year. I'm not even going to remind you what circle I'm in - just go over and check them out and vote!

I have a question - when you make sew-in frame purses, where do you start stitching that frame on, the center or the side? Can I just say I have a bit of a difficult time when I want to end my stitching - I find it tricky to get a knot tied off! And for the record, I usually start and end in the center, finding it a tad easier to hide my tails there. I'd love to hear what you do.

Have you seen Handmade with Love 2012 – A Pink Chalk Fabrics Holiday Tutorial Contest? Thanks to Karen for reminding me about it just in the nick of time!
Pink Chalk Studio
There are four categories, and I was able to enter three tutorials - my Mod Angles Cushion in Home Decor, and my Logo Card Holder and Triple-Zip Pouch in Gifts for Friends. There's lots of great ideas over there! You should check out the links. One of them convinced me to purchase some voile pronto!

If you haven't noticed, I've had a bit of a winning streak lately! One of my wins was a gift certificate to Pink Chalk, and instead of fabric, I treated myself to a pack o'Pearl Cotton! I only had a couple of colors, so this should help with sewing in those purse frames and other miscellaneous projects.

And, at long last, my fabric from the ColorWheel Swap arrived. I was pleased to see a few new favorites arrive that weren't already in my stash! Thanks, Megan!

To end on a really random note, I thought I'd share my new favorite chocolate bar - theo's Sea Salt Dark. Theo is local, so we're fortunate to find it even at our local drug store. I shared the love by putting a bar in my coworkers' interoffice mailboxes the other day, and if I'm honest . . . well let's just say a square of theo has been getting me through my busy afternoons this week.

Linking up with Really Random Thursday.


  1. Love your random bits, Debbie! You keep me up to date! Thanks!

  2. I am sorry I am not help with the framed purse, because I haven't attempted one yet! But I will be interested in seeing the comments/answers you get! Off to check out the 'handmade with love' posts!

  3. Thank you for the heads up about Pink Chalk! I love your tutes, so you're sure to win and uh, I think I need some of that chocolate!!

  4. Yay pearl cotton! I'm glad more shops are starting to carry these.

    P.S. I bought one of the sea salt and dark chocolate bars to send to a friend in Colorado. I love Theo's. :) I might have to get one for myself now.

  5. I totally missed the Pink Chalk tutorial sign up but thank you for the reminder as I will go and check them all out. You know my current fav tutorial is the triple zip pouch.

  6. I love that quilt too, especially the selvedge bits. As for the perle cotton, I wouldn't use that to sew on purse frames as it's very friable, but it is so pretty for doing accent hand quilting :o)

  7. I love the layout of your quilt. I have been looking for the right design for dark colors and I think you have stolen my heart with your layout. Thanks for always great post Debbie.

  8. I love your random posts, I need to get back to blogging regularly and seeing posts like these reminds me that I can just jump back in.

    And oohhh that chocolate looks good! I'll need to find it. :)

  9. So much in this post! Honestly, right now the thing that stuck out the most was the chocolate. That sounds amazing and would be a perfect mood-lifter! Congratulations on all your winnings, too. That perle looks fun!!

  10. Congrats on making the finals - so glad that you didn't miss out on entering. You've got my vote!

  11. Love the pearl cotton colors. Good luck in the contest. You have some great entries!

  12. Awesome randomness! Heading over to Pink Chalk...

  13. Love those pearl cotton colors, so pretty! The one sew in pouch that I have done I started in the middle, easier and making sure the whole thing stays centered!
