
Friday, January 25, 2013

Another Look

When I showed off my Scrappy Trip Along blocks on W.i.P. Wednesday, I shared a pic taken at night in my sewing room. So today, still with design wall peeking through between blocks, some blocks on the floor because they wouldn't fit, and some literally hanging off the corner of the wall . . . I at least got a picture with some natural light.
And then, what I also wanted to see was how the value distribution looked in a black and white picture.
I see a couple of placement switches are in order, but overall, it doesn't look half bad. 

My schedule has me away from my machine this weekend, but I'm anxious to get these blocks sewn together. It's been such an enjoyable trip.

Linking up with Fabric Tuesday.


  1. It's looking stunning Debbie - come on, get it pieced together! ;-)

  2. Yay, it's looking great! I need to pop over to my gran's to borrow her big bed to lay out my Winterkissin' blocks to get the right arrangement - there are only 12 of them, but at 20" each, I don't have a big enough surface at home to trial it on!

  3. I think it looks great! Have a great weekend and you can put this together next week maybe.

  4. This looks great Debbie. Enjoy sewing those blocks together into a completed top : )

  5. Oh I like seeing it in BW and getting a real feel for the lights and darks. Very pretty!

  6. Switching to black and white is a great idea for something like that! I'll have to remember that.

  7. Wow, you have made so many blocks! It looks great. I've been resisting so far (is it futile?) because I feel like I would burn out and get bored. How do you find it?

  8. wow you are sew close to finishing that scrappy top. I need to be working on mine. But instead here I sit blog hopping looking at everyone elses gorgeous work. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  9. Great Job! And thanks for the reminder to photograph in black and white....

  10. Half bad? Debbie it is really awesome.

  11. Debbie, this is going to be so beautiful quilt! You have so beautiful colours! Small design wall is better than no wall at all! x Teje

  12. It looks amazing Debbie - I really need a design wall as I just use the lounge room floor:)

  13. Love at first sight. It would even be a great quilt in black, white and gray.

  14. Deb your scrappytrip along looks awesome!!!!!
