
Saturday, June 29, 2013


The last couple of months, it seems I've posted most of my randomness on facebook. Meaning A Quilter's Table facebook page. It's just been fun {and easy} to share there as I see things I appreciate around blogland. Just a little fyi. But I decided I should tell you that here, and in doing so, might as well share some of that randomness too.

So speaking of being here and there, just a reminder that google reader is shutting down as of Monday. Personally, I've switched to bloglovin, even though I'm still adjusting to that and open to options. Hopefully you're all up to date and ready for the switch too. Back in April, I posted about my social media buttons (see directly under my photo in the right column) - these should help you follow A Quilter's Table in ways that work for you. And if you're curious about any of them, a brief description of how I use them is in that post. {here}

Meanwhile, in other odds and ends, I need some stylus advice. When I was working on my Patchwork, Please apron this week, my plastic chopstick (my normal "poking out corners" tool) wasn't quite cutting it. I'd love to hear what you use and find most helpful.

Speaking of Patchwork, Please, we're 4 weeks in and having the best time!
It's never too late to join in! All the info is in the flickr group Zakka Along 2.0 :: Patchwork, Please or in the tab below my blog header. We are using the delightful book by Ayumi TakahashiPatchwork, Please!: Colorful Zakka Projects to Stitch and Give. And if you only want to join in for a project or a few, that's totally fine too!

I've been getting glimpses of the new Art Gallery Squared Elements and I'm liking them! Like I want to try them, so I've ordered a couple of colors. What about you - something you have your eye on??
photos courtesy of Art Gallery - "Honeycomb" and "Noir" are pictured

And I came across another opportunity to help, thanks to Leanne/shecanquilt. In an effort to encourage those who have been affected by the flooding in Alberta, Canada, Cheryl/Naptime Quilter is collecting "slab blocks" to make quilts to donate. (Doesn't the phrase "slab blocks" just pique your interest? ha) Here's her post if you'd like to join in.

Lastly, I keep thinking about this quilted piece by MariQuilts/The Quilting Edge! It's destined to be more than a table runner, I believe, but I do sure like it!
More Aura I

Guess that's it for now. Thanks for going all random with me! Have a great weekend!

Linking up with Really Random Thursday on Saturday. Again.


  1. I wish I had time to facebook too, maybe this summer. I agree about Marianne's quilt being the best runner, and thank you for posting about the slabs. I have a piece of wood cut with a triangle corner that i got at a quilt shop long ago for corners, it does not poke through like knitting needles (which I also use) do.

  2. I don't know if you've ever been a knitter, or even have knitting needles in the house, but I tend to use a knitting needle to turn out corners. Not a super sharp one but it still has a nice point and does a great job.

  3. I recently purchased "That Purple Thang"
    for turning corners out, and I love it! One end is square and flat, and the other end has a slightly curved, slightly pointy "thang", and both ends work well.

    As far as my blog list, I went to The Old Reader.
    It's similar to Google Reader. With that I use the free Feeddler for my mobile app. Yeah, I'm adjusting, too. :)

  4. I have a purple thang too but mostly I use a small crochet hook it works brilliantly!

  5. Random is good!
    I use a chopstick or crochet hook. Finally bought the patchwork book, but I will be watching you all from the sidelines. So far your finishes are VERY cute!!
    Man that table runner is gorgeous!

  6. I love Marianne's quilt too. I want to try to make one. She has such a great sense for pattern design and color!

  7. Thank you for posting about the efforts to help the flood victims in southern Alberta! I am only 90 minutes away from these communities and the devastation is unreal. It is so moving to see so many trying to help out.

    Great projects! I have heard good things about the Purple Thang although I do not have one myself. Let us know what you try!

  8. I love your random posts, Debbie! Keep them coming!
    For poking out corners, I use a multipurpose scrapbooking tool from my scrapbooking days. It's got a nice point without being sharp. When I can't find it, I gently push the corners with my scissors.

    I so want to join in the Patchwork Please fun! But I find myself running from one deadline to the next. Many of the projects are on my "someday" list. You've inspired me to give them a try!

  9. I use a knitting needle or my scissors. I just got on Bloglovin' and have to find out how it works. It's a job to keep up with all those changes!

  10. I love that table runner too, it looks like a piece of art! I am hoping a better blogreader option pops up; Bloglovin is okay but I certainly don't love it.

  11. Thanks for your lovely comments about my quilt/table runner....who knows which way I'll go with it.

  12. I can't remember what it's called but I use that wooden thing that is pointed at one end and curved at the other. It's a tool that is specifically for sewing and found with the notions, it does a really good job. I also have a Purple Thang but the tip of it is too pointed for my taste, I have poked holes in the fabric when trying to turn corners before. I still like it and think it's a great tool, I just have to remember not to push too hard with it.

  13. Wow, that far in with Zakka already? Time flies when, err, you run away on holiday :oD

  14. Aha! Thanks for enlightening me about the "slabs!" I must have missed Leanne's post. I signed up for bloglovin' but didn't "love" it so I'm still RSSing through Wordpress, which obviously, helps me miss stuff too.
