
Saturday, July 6, 2013


It was made clear to me today: walk around town with a cute little toddler dress on your arm and you're bound to get some comments. Something I haven't shared much about here on the blog is that my son is getting married next month, and I'm making grandgirl's flower girl dress!

We chose a pattern, The Party Dress by the Cottage Home, and I made up a prototype, just to test it out.
I used quilting cottons, basically making a wearable muslin. And of course we needed grandgirl's help to check the fit.
Come to find out, it's a fine twirling dress!
So the pattern is definitely a go, with a few personalized tweaks. Just for the record, I was a little short on the contrasting fabric for the sash and the skirt band, and on the next go, they'll both be twice as wide. And so my first comment about 'town'? We went looking for some fabric for the 'real' dress, and I took along the prototype to show the clerk at Nancy's Sewing Basket, confident they could help me choose the more formal fabric we needed. They did, a lovely ivory batiste. I'm still hunting down the dupioni silk suggested for the sash and band. So stay tuned . . . the countdown is on.


  1. You have done a great job on this dress. Love the fabric and it looks so cute on the grandgirl. I can't wait to see the "real" dress. Congrats on your son's wedding too. You are going to be busy.

  2. That is so cute, I bet she will have fun wearing it. The actual dress for the wedding will be even better. And congratulations to your son and to you too!

  3. What a cute dress, it's going to be stunning in batiste and silk! Congrats to your son!

  4. Enjoy those wedding preps! Busy busy. Cute dress too

  5. Congrats to your son! The dress is so pretty, there's nothing better than a twirly dress to a little girl :)

  6. This dress is absolutly cut! Contrats to you son and I hope you can enjoy these days ;-)

  7. Cute! I also have to make a flowergirl dress for my daughter as my sister is getting married in September. My sister was looking for a dress with some 'texture' so she picked a pattern with three layers of ruffle. I'll be back to check on the finished dress here!

  8. Precious! I can't wait to see the real thing. Hopefully she can make use of the prototype too.

  9. Martha Pullen's online store has lots of silk if you can't find what you need locally.

  10. What an adorable little dress and grand-daughter. You are very cleverl. I think the fabrics are lovely as they are - but obviously you have something particular in mind. I can't wait to see it.

  11. darling! I'll bet she'll get lots of wear out of the prototype as well!

  12. Oh you're killing me with the cuteness! Can't wait to see the wedding pictures :-)

  13. It's an adorable dress. I love that Denyse Schmidt fabric, which is in my stash. You're so fortunate to have a little granddaughter to dress! Enjoy making the flower girl dress, and congratulations on the fun of an upcoming wedding.

  14. Such a sweet dress - just perfect for a little flower girl.

  15. This is adorable! Love the dress! I can't wait to see it in the fancy version!

  16. Super cute dress. My future DIL with my help just made that very same dress this past week. We were not able to locate the dupioni so we used something else which was close. She did not do this but, I'm sure if she had ironed on a stabilizer with a warm iron it would have given the stiffness needed for the bow.
    We were also short on the sash and skirt band fabric, so don't feel bad as I'm sure it was nothing you had done.

  17. That's such a sweet dress and now that it's twirlability has been tested, the next one's going to be fab!

  18. Adorable dress! I am looking forward to seeing the "real" one!

  19. Sewing for little girls=LOVE!

  20. Well this little dress turned out beyond cute and I just know the "real one" will be so pretty! Can not believe the wedding is almost here....time flies!

  21. Sorry to ditto everyone else but...It's adorable! :)
