
Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Unexpected

While on a weekend road trip this weekend, we heard about "Washington State's First Barn Quilt Trail", and discovered for ourselves several of the Barn Quilts of Kittitas County. Follow the link for general info, and if you'd like to know more about any specific barn quilt, I've labeled each photo below with a link to that particular barn. Take a moment and enjoy. We sure did.
Seth Farm ~ Eight Pointed Star

Dominion FarmDesigned by Sharon Brunson

Bull Farm ~ Double Windmill

Four Seasons Ranch ~ Quilt Star/Rail Fence

Wright Farm ~ Grandmother's Flower Garden Star

Gibson Farm ~ American Independence

Brunson Farm ~ Evening Star/Bear Paw


  1. Thank you Debbie for sharing your trip - lovely photos! x Teje

  2. several of the counties around me have these trails also and I keep telling myself I need to make the trip. Sometimes I would stumble upon them when I was working in one area but now my work site has changed and I do miss it.

  3. There are several in Northern Wisconsin too. I think it is so fun to come up on them! Your pictures are great :)

  4. These are so lovely in their rural, rustic settings. Love the views across the land. We have a lot of these in Iowa too. They make traveling even more enjoyable. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Holy moly, these are gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Aren't they all so stunning. The barns too are gorgeous. Beautiful countryside

  7. How cool! Unfortunately we don't have barns like that, and I just can't see one of these beauties on a corrugated iron cow shed ;o)

  8. Awesome! I want to go!! :)

  9. So beautiful...both the quilt barns and the lovely views! When we were driving back and forth taking our son to college we passed one quilt barn in PA. I've search online to see if there are any close by where I live, but no such luck :( Sure enjoyed seeing these close to you!

  10. I enjoy following the Pacific Northwest modern quilt bloggers not just for all the quilty goodness but also for the occasional vista photos and regional customs and paraphernalia discussions. Can you believe my Pittsburgher husband doesn't know what a Pee-Chee is! I spent my first 25 years in WA and the last 28 in GA. I still miss being able to see for miles. We can barely see across the street here. I must have watched Napolean Dynamite 20 times just to see the landscapes. The barns and blocks are beautiful.

  11. I have never seen one in real life, thanks for sharing some photos!
