
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sew Ready to Play Chinese Checkers

Louise from I’m Feelin’ Crafty was one of the first friends I made when I joined the SMQG. When she invited me to participate in her Sew Ready to Play series where bloggers share sewing projects inspired by games, I couldn't resist. I come from a long line of game-players! 
My birth family loved to play family games - Rook, Aggravation, Yahtzee. And when I met hubby, his family was the same, playing Uno, Dominoes, and more Yahtzee. So it was only natural, when we were raising our own family, that we played alot of games too, Monopoly, lots of Uno, of course, and even more Yahtzee. When deciding what to make for Sew Ready to Play, I kept coming back to another game that was common among all these family groupings, and that was Chinese Checkers.

So here's a peek at what I came up with!
Please head on over to I'm Feelin' Crafty (cuz you are, right?) and check out my project! I've even provided a tutorial. All the other participants are listed right here. And I'll be back tomorrow with all the 'technical' details that us quilters know and love!


  1. What a great quilt idea Debbie! I love playing games too, though I don't think I have ever played Chinese Checkers!

  2. Just saw this quilt on Flickr and it is fantastic, I'm off to read all about it.

  3. So cool, Debbie! I loved playing Chinese Checkers as a kid. My side of the family are all avid gamers, but alas, my husband really isn't. Can't wait to see more about this one!

  4. We weren't really a games family, except for the occasional game of scrabble or travel yahtzee when on holiday. I hated the former (being dyslexic) but might have danced round the patio in victory after winning a game of yahtzee this summer *ahem*

  5. I love playing games but haven't played Chinese Checkers in years and years (probably decades!). It's a really fun idea for a quilt.

  6. What a brilliant idea! I used to love playing Chinese Checkers.... yay for playing games! Off to see your quilt in all its glory!

  7. I love this picture with the marbles on the quilt!

  8. I saw this on Flickr Deb and it is so cute!
