
Friday, October 18, 2013

City Sampler Quilt Along :: Blocks 61, 62, & 63

What simple-to-construct blocks this week. Usually I'm hopping back and forth between my machine and the ironing board, but I was able to finger-press seams and stitch the blocks up in one sitting.

#62 is my favorite for the week. In person, the fabric colors mesh really nicely and I love that top print.

I like the mix of blue and gray in #63. And even though I didn't have the same print, I think the finished 'look' is quite similar.

So there we go with this week's little City Sampler diversion!

Linking up with Sew Sweetness.


  1. I'm so impressed! I've never been able to stick with a project like that (BOM's usually last a few months). That's probably why my Farmer's Daughter book sits unopened.

  2. I am loving your blocks and I have the book and....I am buying my first, yes I said first, Featherweight - a Centennial model, this morning and this is a tempting way to start using it.

  3. Nice! What's the grand total going to be again?

  4. Is the yellow Birds and The Bees fabric a voile? I just got some of this and was wondering if it would play well with regular quilters cotton.

  5. I am so amazed at how close you get your fabrics to the book! Yours are very pretty!!

