
Monday, November 4, 2013

City Sampler Quilt Along :: Blocks 70, 71, & 72

Starting the week off with City Sampler blocks just seemed the right thing to do, and I think it was a good call. #70 was the last in the Stripes section, and then we move forward with Squares.

This one is my favorite of the bunch - simple but nice.

I actually had the same Tula fabric as the book for #72, and I love it with that baby blue.

So easy peasy. And fun.

These blocks are from Tula Pink's City Sampler: 100 Modern Quilt Blockspart of the City Sampler Quilt AlongLinking up with Sew Sweetness.


  1. You are on the roll now :) How many more left?

  2. Can we see an update on your chart? I'd love to see how it is coming along. I just went to Amazon and drooled a little over the City Sampler Book...may just order that one before the day is out. Thank you for sharing your journey with this quilt!

  3. You are moving right along with these blocks. I'm impressed.

  4. You are a practical woman like myself! I like that you just made the centers squares, instead of meeting HST...way to go girl! They look great. I really like seeing it all come together...color progression is very nice :)

  5. Well, now I see that the HST look is the quilting...still very nicely done :)

  6. Oooh, nearly 3/4 of the way through now!

  7. You can do it, you can do it! You are getting closer to the end, I just can't wait to see the completed top!

  8. I love that you have added in Acacia...such a pretty line and it makes your blocks so special! I now am aware that I am behind again! LOL Oh well!
