
Monday, December 2, 2013

City Sampler Quilt Along :: Blocks 82, 83, & 84

Back in the studio last night after several days with a houseful of family, I took a break from machine quilting and before I knew it, this week's City Sampler blocks were done.

Only one more block and we'll move into the final section of the book. Hard to believe, but a perfect time to see how things are shaping up!

These blocks are from Tula Pink's City Sampler: 100 Modern Quilt Blocks, part of the City Sampler Quilt Along. For a tutorial to make your own grid, click hereLinking up with Sew Sweetness.


  1. WOW! Look at those blocks! I love the colour and fabrics in the second one- great use of that 'circle' fabric!

  2. So gorgeous! As I've said before....CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT DONE!

  3. Great progress. I especially love how you pieced Block 83!

  4. This is going to be a wonderful quilt.

  5. They look so beautiful! What gorgeous colors pop out!

    Thanks for helping me with the picture grid, Debbie! I am using it for 2 sets of blocks! I really appreciate the help you gave me!


  6. Wow! You are on the home stretch. It's looking great! I can't wait to start on my journey and my book! It's here and I have barely had any time to look at it. (Darn it!) But I know the day is coming that I will be able to sit and sew and put it all together. Thank you so much for your inspiration!

  7. Oooh, looking fab, so few white spaces now!

  8. Love number 83 I believe it was, the middle one. Very cool!

  9. Oh my goodness, getting so close to the end! I love how color saturated this weeks blocks look, beautiful!

  10. It looks amazing Debbie - just a few more to go now:)
