
Monday, February 24, 2014


When I made my Plural patchwork pillows recently, all I knew was that I liked the pattern and was having fun with fabric.
Apparently I was on trend as well, confirmed today on Sewing Trends with Rachael at Sew, Mama, Sew! Rachael/imagine gnats's monthly look at trends is always a fun one - check out what else she's seeing in the world of sewing. And I'm curious . . . intentional or not, what are you working on that's trendy?


  1. lovely pillows Debbie. And, apparently the zig zag quilt I'm working on right now is trendy, too. Who knew!?

  2. You ARE totally on trend, congrats and you're with really great company!

  3. Always good to be trendy :o) I'm never on trend lol

  4. You're not on trend - you're ahead of the curve! congrats on being featured

  5. I don't feel trendy in much that I do!! I just do what I want and have fun with it. :) Maybe I'm just so trendy I don't even know it!

  6. here's my trendy thing for the day, I bought one of those adorable turquoise carts from IKEA and assembled it today for my new studio space! not exactly a crafty endeavor but its the best I've got right now!

  7. You didn't say you were featured as being a trendsetter! Way to go! :)

  8. You didn't say you were featured as being a trendsetter! Way to go! :)

  9. The economy block trend that's going on over on Instagram. I made a quilt using that block last year. It's soooo 2013!
