
Thursday, March 13, 2014

And Then There's That

For some reason, I find myself a tad "speechless" lately as far as blogging goes. No real reason. I kind of chalk it up to two major finishes in the last few weeks.  I guess it is what it is. 

I have enjoyed seeing quilty bucket lists popping up here and there! They are being linked up over at The Tilted Quilt {here}. I've been thinking alot about my list too. There's still plenty of time to join in - the linky is open till March 31.

We had a great guild meeting last night! SO much going on! Lots of opps to show off our quilts in the coming months, a block-of-the-month, a pincushion swap for our next meeting, and challenges! Fabric for the Modern Quilt Guild Riley Blake Challenge should be available by next meeting, but meanwhile, we were able to pick up stacks of Robert Kaufman Quilter's Linen Metallic and Quilter's Tussah {definition: silk fabric or thread} for the Quilt! Knit! Stitch! Modern Metallic Challenge to be held in Portland this summer. In short, "Modern Metallic will showcase modern quilts made by members of Modern Quilt Guilds in the Pacific Northwest. Quilters are encouraged to feature the use of metallic design details including but not limited to fabric, thread, and themes." Challenge indeed. Here's the bundle I got:

I can honestly say, metallics are decidedly not "me". Thus the challenge, I suppose. I'll be mulling over a quilt design of course. The maximum size is 48x48" which is kind of a relief. And I'll consider adding in some other metallics - any suggestions? (Of course I'm familiar with those new Pearl Bracelets!) And randomly, which is perfect of course, some tips on photographing your quilt are included with the entry info. Some of it's challenge specific, but there's good general info there too.

Lastly, in my post earlier this week on my Pantone Challenge quilt, Radiancy, I failed miserably by not noting the inspiration of Anita Shackelford in my quilting.
This pin on Pinterest was exactly what I was aiming to imitate. So I did want to mention that, plus the fact that you'll find lots of quilting inspiration on Anita's website, and well as her Modern Quilting board on Pinterest.

Anyway, hope you are having a good week. The sun's been shining here, and that's a very good thing.


  1. I'm obsessed with metallic confetti dots (found on! They might not go well with the very crosshatchy look of your bundle but if anyone can do it, you can. :)

  2. Now see I saw that uncle of gold goodness and started drooling. No idea what to make with it, but definitely in my *want* list :-)
    E xx

  3. Metallic not my thing either. Can't wait to see what you come up with though, I know it will be wonderful!

  4. I am looking forward to seeing what you do for the challenge.

  5. Metallics are not my thing, but these look interesting Can you add any other fabrics to make the challenge ones shine?

  6. That fabric would be a huge challenge for me. Definitely not my comfort zone.

  7. I was in a blogging funk too, so you're not alone. Maybe too much Pacific NW rain? Maybe now that we're seeing the sun we're feeling inspired again??? :)

  8. It was a good meeting last night (Joined the guild last night). By the way, your recent finishes are awesome.

    Quilting bucket list. Need to make one. Right now I'm trying to tackle my UFO list! LOL!

  9. P.S. Those fabrics are extra yummy! I can't wait to see how you play with them! :)

  10. I think the metallics will add an interesting extra dimension, looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

  11. I'm working on my quilty bucket list, which isn't as long as I thought it would be. I love the metallics you chose, very pretty, looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

  12. I used some of Timeless Treasures new (?) Dreaming in Perle metallics on my Cargo Duffle and it's so pretty!
