
Friday, March 7, 2014

Showing Off

Though sewing IS going on in the studio, I really have nothing new to show for myself, so why not show off other projects I've been a part of?

Here's a recent finish by Mary Ann/SoapsByMareMare on behalf of the FAITH Circle of do.Good Stitches made with Greek Cross blocks using the tutorial from Fresh Lemons.
Greek Cross, July 2013 Faith Circle

This lovely star quilt was made by That Stash Bee as a sort of "baby shower" gift for Michonne/Watch Meesh Run, all thanks to the planning and final execution by Toni/HoosierToni. I can't remember for sure, but I think we were all to make any star block using the designated palette.
Michonne's quilt

And finally, this quilt was made by members of the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild for our co-member Yeechi/kirianth in celebration of the birth of her baby boy, Elliott. Thanks to Chandra Wu for coordinating and finishing this one. The 'E' was made from Paintbox blocks using Oh, Fransson!'s tutorial.
Fresh put of the dryer and ready to come home! @snailmade Ohai tree branch! #seattlemqg

It's always fun to see completed group quilts, and from my few times hosting one, I certainly appreciate the vision that makes them happen!


  1. Lot of pretty quilts, I think the "E" one is quite clever!

  2. I just finished a Grecian cross quilt myself, and it's a fun and interesting pattern. Love the E quilt too!

  3. Collaborative quilts are the best :o)

  4. Such great quilts and Such a great group/)

  5. I love the stars, but all these are beautiful.

  6. Hard to choose a favourite. They are all lovely

  7. What fun quilts. Great idea with the "E"!

  8. I love love love that star quilt! They are all nice, but the star is my favorite!

  9. I love seeing the results of the bees that you are involved in!
