
Thursday, June 19, 2014

How You Bind

As I was making binding last night for my current project, I was thinking how differently we all do things. Which made me curious what you do! Take a moment and tell me about how you bind, and I'll share the results in a future post!
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Linking up with Random Thursday.


  1. I use the Simplicity Binding Machine with 2.5 inch strips sewn together on the bias. Been doing it for years and would never go back to doing it with an iron!

  2. Can't wait to see the results! I can't be the ONLY one that cuts my binding with the selvedge?!

  3. Fun!! I can't wait to see the results too!

  4. I took the survey. It will be fun to see the results.

  5. Will be fun to see what people do!

  6. Thanks for doing this survey. I'm interested to see the results.

  7. I tried to paste this link in the survey but it wasn't cooperating. This is for bias cut with a rotary cutter.

  8. I did the survey but forgot to mention this tip I learned waaaaay back at the beginning: start sewing the binding in the middle of a long side. That way your "home stretch" will be quicker.

  9. I also meant to mention....from seeing what other people do I think I may be the only one who does this...I pin my binding to the quilt sandwich before I start sewing it down. I can't even say why I think this is necessary but I have always done it so I continue to! Also, I always lay the binding out on the quilt before starting just to make sure that none of the seam joins will land on the corners, and adjust as needed.
