
Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, Monday

There's two things to tell you about today!

First, I have a new quilting roundup over at Sew, Mama, Sew8 Modern Quilt Backs. Not only are there several tutorials, but oodles of inspiration if you follow the links to the free class, flickr group, and Pinterest boards at the end of the post.
I usually find both planning and stitching those larger quilt backs a challenge. I try to keep some larger "quilt back worthy" prints in my stash, so at least I have more options. But I do really like a multi-pieced back too, so there's always a quandary. Anyway, let me know what you think. And if you have a go-to method or especially love a new technique you see, I'd love to hear about it!

Also, here's a link to last month's Twelve Fundamental Quilting Skills if you missed that.

The other thing I want to mention is that Rachael/imagine gnats just announced the kick-off of Selfish Sewing Week!
Believe it or not, I was invited to be one of the featured stitchers, and I'll be blogging all about my week's project on Saturday. Meanwhile, what I'm working on is making the Brookfield Bag by Sew Sweetness. It's a free pattern on Sew, Mama, Sew, and I thought it would be perfect for every-day. So far I have all my pieces cut and prepped!
So stay tuned, and I hope you join in and do some selfish sewing for yourself this week!


  1. I'm heading out on a four day quilting retreat! Selfish sewing here I come! can't wait to see your bag.

  2. What a fun roundup! Thanks for including me :-)

  3. Eight variations for making modern quilt backs- I need to see this! Enjoy your selfish sewing- your bag is going to be amazing!

  4. the backing round up was inspiring, thanks!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I like the look of pieced backs but usually don't take the time to make them. I'm always to anxious to get on to the next quilt. Off to the round-up now.

  7. Whew, featuring all over the place :o) Looking forward to seeing the finished bag!

  8. I usually try to use up what fabrics I have left over to piece the back. But I also buy fabric when it is on sale large enough for a backing. The 108" is ok, but I don't think it has the quality of just regular yardage.
