
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November Bee Blocks

Bee blocks this month started out with a bit of déjà vu. Elizabeth/occassionalpiece had the Mid-Century Modern make pineapple blocks. She went above and beyond by sending us the fabric cut to size plus the pattern printed on parchment, which I found delightful to sew on. Funny thing was Elizabeth and I were also in the Always Bee Learning bee together, and she has us make the same block there. So by now I'm a pro, right? Not. But it did go together pretty well.

For FAITH Circle this month, we have a partnership - Sharon/sharonhuismith is doing the quilt designing and Melissa/~Me1issa will be quilting the finished quilt. Sharon wrote a pattern for butterfly blocks, and asked for lots of color.

And finally, in more ways than one, were July Star blocks for Toni/HoosierToni for That Stash Bee. These were fun to do in Toni's chosen palette. Though I'll be watching as more That Stash Bee finishes show up in the group feed, these are my last blocks for the bee. It's been a fun 2 years with a great group of women, but time for a change.

So mission accomplished. Feels good.


  1. Your bee blocks always have such variety to them! As does you wonderful stash of fabric!

  2. It always feels SO good to get the blocks done. Good job Debbie

  3. Congrats on finishing, I haven't quite got to mine yet. Right enough I still haven't received the one I need to add to, so I can't feel that guilty ;o)

  4. That pineapple block is a doozy! I have never made one, but I love the shape.

  5. When I sent off two packs to you, I wondered if you were going to knock out two at once, or stagger them. Got my answer in this post (obviously) and now I'll have something to look forward to in the mail!

    You've been busy--but everything looks great!


  6. Not much feels better than being caught up on quilt block-making obligations. You made yours beautifully. Ahhh.
