
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Four Years

It’s really hard to believe A Quilter’s Table has been up and running for 4 years. I clearly remember the nervousness I felt as I brought it into existence ... the conversations I had with my family about what I should name it ... the downright courage it took for me to put it out there.

Since that moment, things have changed - how and what I quilt, how I spend my free time, how wide my circle of fellow-quilters.
Socken - my first use of solids

When it comes right down to the nitty-gritty, in the 4 years since I began blogging, I have:
  • curated a fairly modern stash, where before I only had ‘project leftovers’
  • incorporated fabrics other than quilting cotton into my work
  • created a workable dedicated sewing space that even has a design wall, something I had no idea had value
  • upgraded to a sewing machine that gave me machine quilting capability
  • shown my work in a variety of real-life settings and even entered quilt contests
  • become active in a modern quilt guild, where ‘modern’ was something I barely knew existed before
  • moved beyond sewing from a pattern – though I still love them – to creating my own designs, even sharing some as tutorials
  • been known to cut fabric without a ruler . . . improv was not a word in my vocabulary back then
  • expanded my presence in social media . . . starting a blog was huge then . . . now A Quilter's Table is on Pinterest, facebook, Instagram
Plain and simple, my life as a sewist has evolved, and it really is tough to take it all in.
 Mini-X - my 1st tutorial

And then there’s you.

None of the above would have been half as meaningful, as fulfilling, without you. The affirmation you’ve given has made me believe I was capable of things I would never have considered. You have encouraged me to think outside the box I knew to a place where just about anything can happen. You've made it all downright fun, and I am so eager to see where this journey takes me next.
Mango - the first quilt of my own design
I'll confess I've looked back and read my posts marking each year of blogging, and it really touched me to see how many of you have been with me from the start. That says a lot about the camaraderie and support we find in each other, and honestly, it's at the crux of why this blogging thing is so rewarding to me. If we weren't in this together, I'm not sure I'd enjoy it quite so much.
So thank you for being here day in and day out. And thank you for all you do to make creating one of the most satisfying things I'm about. I hope you'll mark the occasion with me as I offer a little giveaway. Just leave a comment on this post and on Monday, I'll choose a random winner to receive a $40 credit to fabricBUBB, a shop with beautiful modern fabrics and terrific customer service. It may be a small way of showing my appreciation, but it's heart-felt nonetheless. This giveaway is now closed. Thank you!


  1. Congratulations on your fourth Blogaversary, it has been fun following you :)

  2. Congrats :) It is amazing the journey our own creativity can take us on :)

  3. Congratulations! And thanks for all the time and effort in sharing your quilting through the blog!

  4. Congrats! I enjoy your blog very much and appreciate your creativity and inspiration. Thank you!

  5. What a wonderful way to reflect back! Would love to see a list of next steps/goals too. I find these reflective posts very inspiring! Your mango apt quilt is awesome!

  6. Happy Blogiversary! You do a wonderful job with it. I don't comment much, but I read it a lot and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  7. Congratulations on four wonderful years Debbie and thanks for sharing all that you do!

  8. I read this with my head nodding the entire time. Congratulations on your milestone and most of all, for your bravery in putting yourself out there!

  9. Happy anniversary! I enjoy your mix of sewing and "other" posts - it keeps it interesting!

  10. I've enjoyed reading your posts and drooling over the pics of your quilts. Here's to many more posts!

  11. Happy anniversary, Debbie!
    I am happy you are "here" :-)

  12. So happy to congratulate you on the 4th anniversary of your blog! The energy and passion you bring to your art is so inspiring. Can't wait to see what comes next for you. Well done, my friend!

  13. Thanks for blogging, Debbie. I haven't been with you for four years because I haven't been following blogs that long. When I did start following blogs, yours was one of the first. I've learned so much from you, but I am not as brave as you. I love your modern style.

  14. Hi Debbie! Congratulations! I have followed you long time and I'm always inpressed about your talent and NEW, unique ideas! Thank you for inspiration and knowledge you share! x Teje

  15. Debbie, it has been so much fun following your beautiful work and dining vicariously through you! Hello, Mango!

  16. congrats love your blog , just three years ago i did the same thing.

  17. Wow, happy blog birthday! I just checked and I started blogging about a month after you, so soon it will be 4 years for me too. I am so looking forward to meeting you in person, after all these years of being a blog friend.

  18. Congrats. I enjoy your site so much that I recommended it to my sister last night. She signed up as a follower this morning. I've enjoyed your content for more than a year. Thanks a bunch!

  19. Congratulations on your 4 year anniversary! I enjoy your posts and tutorials and find both inspiring.

  20. Congratulations Debbie! I'm a new fan and I really like your work. Mango looks great!

  21. Congrats. I enjoy your blog and have used your tutorials. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for hosting a give away too. Mrscummings2u at Gmail dot com.

  22. Quilting has always been a community. Patterns and fabric shared and quilting bees to show off piecing and quilting skills. Your blog does that for many extending the community across the world. Thank you for taking the plunge 4 years ago!

  23. Congratulations. Thank you for sharing yourself on your blog and through your tutorials. Isn't it neat that no matter how "old" we get, we can still learn.

  24. Congrats on 4 years of blogging! I know you put a lot of time and effort into it! Thank you!

  25. Congratulation to 4 years blogging! Isn't it amazing how we change and what direction we head off? It is always lovely to read your stories

  26. Congratulations on four years! What an accomplishment!
    I so enjoy your blog - your work is an inspiration!

  27. Wow, what an accompishment! I have enjoyed your journey as well as the inspiration that I have gotten from your work!!

  28. Congratulations on your four year anniversary! I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing the pictures of your projects. I look forward to more in the coming years!

  29. Congrats! It's been a pleasure the whole time :)

  30. Congratulations and thanks for sharing what you do and how you do it. Its a pleasure following along in your journey.

  31. I'm constantly amazed at your productivity and I love both your quilting work and your blog as you share your work. So, thank you for putting yourself out there!

  32. Without a doubt A Quilters Table is a blog I look forward to reading Deb. It's been so great to get to know you through quilt alongs and then the Faith Circle. I count you as a trusted friend. I look forward to the year ahead! Congratulations :)

  33. Congratulations, Debbie! I'm a relative short comer to your blog, but have been so inspired by your work! You had me at Red Hots, which still takes my breath away. Keep up the amazing work! I'm looking forward to watching your creative path in the years to come!

  34. I completely agree with you! Blogging, designing etc can be terrifying, but the quilters themselves make it worth while! I love this community! I just celebrated my 2nd blogaversary and I am still loving it all!
    Congratulations to you, your blog and your fab designs!

  35. Hasn't it been a wonderful journey? Happy blogaversary.

  36. What a great retrospective. Congrats on four years. Your work has evolved, but I love all the quilts you post.

  37. Happy blog anniversary! Here's to many more! I always find inspiration here, thanks for all you do.

  38. Always love seeing what you're up to! Thanks for sharing!!

  39. Not to sure when or how I found you blog but I know it is one of my favorites. I have learned much from it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  40. I appreciate hearing about your journey through the four years. I'm at that, "I wonder if I should start a blog" phase. And I'm not sure mine will progress beyond that. But I'm very happy that I have yours to read and enjoy! Congratulations on your 4 year blogversary! Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

  41. I actually started sewing for the first time 4 years ago and it's blogs like yours that have made possible to learn everything I know. Congratulations on your journey as well.

  42. I love that Mango quilt! I've never seen it before! Congrats on 4 years! You do amazing things! I also love that top one, which I have also never seen!

  43. Congrats! It's always a pleasure reading your blog and seeing the beautiful things you come up with. cherisetoweratgmaildotcom

  44. You have such talent! So happy that you were brave enough to put it all out here - have loved following along on your journey :-)

  45. Congrats on your 4 years. I'm a former Seattle person (50+ years) who has retired to Mexico and took up quilting again after a 25+ plus year absence. I enjoy your blog and keep on growing and learning more.

  46. Congrats!!! I love checking out your creative work. I especially like your Striped Strip quilt. Thanks for always sharing with the larger community. Cheers!

  47. yay for four years! I always look forward to seeing what you're up to over here! love seeing some of your early quilts

  48. As a brand new blogger I can relate to how scary it is to put yourself and your work "out there". I have been following your blog since I began quilting a few years ago and have learned a lot from you. Thank you!

  49. Congratulations on your 4 year milestone

  50. Congrats girl! I love reading your blog and always look forward go your posts!

  51. Congratulations Debbie! I love your blog! It is full of creativity and positive inspiration! Thank you!

  52. I love the inspiration blogs provide. My circle of quilty friends is tiny, so it's always great to see this passion I have replicated among others!

  53. Wow! Four years! And look at what you have achieved! You will continue to be an inspiration Debbie! I look forward to see where the road will lead......

  54. You are with me every day as I use my triple zip pouch *violins*. Congratulations on 4 wonderful years!

  55. I've been following along with you all that time. I'm looking forward to seeing where your quilting goes in the future!

  56. Congrats! I've only been reading ~2 yrs but I LOVE your style and also your "voice," if that makes sense. I'm about to make the leap into blogging myself!

  57. Congrats! Your quilting and blog are amazing--you are soooo blessed. And you have blessed us all. Thanks for sharing. May God continue to guide you in your future endeavors. Love you.

  58. Congrats Debbie! I so look forward to reading what you are up to each time your blog lands in my mail box! Heres to your continued creativity and sharing!

  59. I started following you at the time that I started blogging which was when the Zakka Sew Along a few years back took place. I've enjoyed your blog over the years!

  60. Thank you for all the inspiration.

  61. Happy Blogiversery! It's amazing what the online community has changed in the last four years. I'm a longtime quilter but my quilt world had changed so much since I discovered the online community. Thanks for all you do!

  62. Congrats on each one of those years Debbie. You are an inspiration ; )

  63. Happy anniversary! I found your blog through Bloglovin and was tickled to see you are from Seattle. I live just north of Bellingham.
    I am enjoying your blog and the inspiration your journey provides!

  64. Thank YOU Debbie for your wonderful blog ... you have been one of my first to follow and I love it! :-)

  65. Congrats! I think I've only been following you about three years! I really do love that you throw in other life stuff with your awesome sewing posts!

  66. Congratulations! It's pretty amazing, isn't it, this online community of quilters? Now, on to the next four years!

  67. Congratulations and well done for all the inspiration you have provided - look forward to more!

  68. Congrats on 4 years!!! Looking forward to future inspiring posts

  69. Congrats! I can't remember exactly when I discovered your blog, but am I glad I did! Your work is so inspiring and I love following you. Thank you for sharing so much of you with us!

  70. I never miss one checking out your blog. I love it for the inspiration and eye candy (hate that phrase, but here it applies). I marvel at the amount of designing and quilting you accomplish while working outside the home too!

  71. Congratulations Debbie!!! How absolutely fabulous that it's your fourth blogiversary. I love seeing all the new projects you're working on, you're such an inspiration. Thank you :)

  72. Blogging is definitely a 2 way street... You give a lot and get it back too. Cheers to 4 years of learning and sharing!

  73. Congratulations! I enjoy seeing what you are working on.

  74. Only 4?! I must have started following yours as a favorite blog right at the beginning. Congratulations, and thanks for all the wonderful inspiration. -Letty

  75. Debbie, Love following your blog! It keeps me in touch with what you and Joe are doing... (Italy). Maybe one day I will finish my quilt.

  76. Congrats. Its really been wonderful to see your progression throughout the years. You've really found your quilting voice and should be truly proud of yourself

  77. Congrats on the 4 years Debbie! I always love seeing your beautiful creations and reading your blog!

  78. I haven't been here for 4 years, but I'm sure glad I'm here now. Thanks for sharing your projects and inspiring me! Congratulations!

  79. Congrats on you blogiversary. I just had my 1 year. Nice to be part of this group of bloggers.

  80. Happy anniversary! So glad you're out there telling us about your endeavors.

  81. Many congratulations Debbie on all your achievements. I love following your blog :-)

  82. Congratulations on four year! That is wonderful. :)

  83. Happy Blogiversary! Yeah to staying power.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  84. This is a wonderful post! Reading how your modern quilting path evolved is inspiring to a relative newbie in the Modern tradition.

  85. It's so amazing to look back, isn't it? You are an inspiration to all of us, Debbie, and one of the most encouraging people I know in this community. I'm so thrilled for you!

  86. A big thank you for all the inspiration and information you've shared on your blog. It's helped shape me into a better quilter. Congrats on 4 years!

  87. Happy bloggiversary, and happy evolution :o)

  88. Whoops, I totally missed this post! What a great one. Congrats on 4 years! :)

  89. A little behind in my blog reading but enjoyed this post. You have achieved quite a lot in four years. Glad to be a follower on your journey.
