
Friday, April 10, 2015

Circles and Such

The Bee Sewcial bee has been challenging from day one. So far, we've been inspired by Dale Chihuly, made poster blocks, and explored transparency - all very new concepts to me. This month, Diane/Random or 'di' requested curves - "circles, ovals, curves. Not just a curved seam, but a curved shape."

Those c-words always strike a bit of fear in me. Yes, I've done my share, but I'm never wholly comfortable. Here's the photo Di gave us as color inspiration - definitely a fun one. And she did ask for at least a sliver of black in at least one of our blocks, along with those vivid colors.
So here's what I came up with! The first block is 12 1/2"x18 1/2". We could work in increments of 6" - I kinda like that option. Anyway, this block does have a curved seam or two, but also an improv oval and a scrappy inset circle.
My second block measures 6 1/2"x12 1/2" and features two half-circles and an improv inset circle in an inset circle.
I'm always uncertain if my blocks 'fit the bill', but Diane gave the go ahead, so these blocks will be on their way to her soon! Just for fun, I've created a Bee Sewcial Pinterest board for the blocks I create with this bee. Feel free to check out the Bee Sewcial photostream and be amazed! I know I am!


  1. You know I love these blocks and I'm so glad they are coming to me !

  2. Very nice. It's always great to push yourself. I need to do more of that!

  3. interesting photo - I used to play with watercolors, and I gravitate to the lower portion of the pic - all those lovely blues and grays with subtle pops of color

  4. those would have been a stretch for me too! great job

  5. Superb...your blocks qualify as modern art....Very impressive compositions!

  6. I'm enjoying watching what everyone does in this bee. I'm in a MQG with Stephanie and she showed her Chihuly quilt top during show and tell. Gorgeous.

  7. Wow!! I adore these! so inspiring! Can we pick your brains on how to do an inset circle??

  8. Sounds like a fun bee; and your design is striking!

  9. Wow these quilts are all going to look great
