
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

me being crafty

When Tsoniki of me being crafty asked to interview me for her podcast, I was at once pleased and terrified. We met at Sewing Summit back in 2012, and have kept in touch on social media. I've enjoyed listening to her podcast the last few months, so it was pretty fun chatting with Tsoniki about how I began sewing and some of what I'm into now, years later.
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So the podcast is live right here. Click on over and have a listen. Thanks again, Tsoniki, for hosting me on your show!


  1. Love listening to her podcasts, especially with people I know it feels like we're all just sitting around the fireplace in the lobby at SLC - I'll have to check this one out.

  2. I'll try to listen in tonight!

  3. oh wow! can't wait to listen! fun!
