
Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Scrap Basket

Something new is brewing at A Quilter's Table!
A newsletter is in the works, with the first issue to be sent out Monday, April 20! This is something I've been thinking of doing for a while - a way for interested readers to have more from A Quilter's Table delivered straight to their personal email. The Scrap Basket will be A Quilter's Table in a nutshell - some highlights, but also features you won't find here on the blog. I'll tell more in Issue 1 - coming to your email boxes soon!

     Note that there will always be a subscribe box in the right sidebar.

So stay tuned! A Quilter's Table the blog won't change noticeably. Now there will just be an opportunity for a bit more!


  1. sounds super fun. Looking forward to reading first issue soon.

  2. Debbie, I don't know where you find the time! Amazing lady ; )

  3. I have debated this newsletter thing. I'll be watching yours.

  4. Ah, so that's why you've been pinning newsletter stuff on Pinterest! ;) Signing up and looking forward to it!

  5. I've subscribed! You always have very interesting news and projects on your blog. I'm sure your newsletter is going to be great!
