
Friday, July 31, 2015

As Time Goes By

Not much in life is stationary. Things are changing all the time, and even as a creator, I have just come to recognize that as a constant. As one component of my participation in the online quilting community, I've been a part of several bees. One of the first was the charity bee do.Good Stitches.

September 2011 was my first month as a stitcher in FAITH Circle, and I remember feeling mighty pleased to be a part of things. Rachel/Stitched in Color, the leader/creator of do.Good was a member of our circle at the time, and happened to be bee mama that month. Together, we made a Swoon quilt - one of my very favorite blocks. I only had a small part in its making (that's my block in the lower right corner), but I was proud of it, just the same.

In February 2013 I stepped up to serve as a quilter, and had the bee make blocks for an HST quilt. I remember being smitten with HST Love and the whole process gave me a lot of confidence. Since then, I've been bee-mama and created 4 more quilts, and overall, have made blocks for 33 others. Boy it feels great to be able to do good. It's important to me to make "giving back" a regular part of what I do as a quilter.

Since the bee's beginnings (a year before I joined) FAITH Circle has made over 50 quilts and donated them to encourage others! Here's the most recent finish - Social Climber by Debbie/Shadows of the Blue Ridge. Isn't it a fun one? It'll soon be off to our circle's chosen charity, Restore Innocence, which supports young women rescued from human trafficking. With its bright and cheery palette, it's bound to bring some hope and comfort.

All that to say . . . in July, not only has it been my month to choose our next project, but I've also transitioned into being leader/host of FAITH Circle. Talk about things coming full circle. It seems they have.

If you'd like to be a part of do.Good Stitches, you can apply using this form.


  1. What a blessing you've been to so many, Debbie! So neat to read about this...

  2. Good on you and all the piecers in your circle, you're doing an amazing job

  3. And continuing the theme, maybe you could make a circle quilt! Love the "Social Climber", and such a great name!

  4. You are such a great inspiration and roll model for quilters. I admire do.Good Stitches and those involved.

  5. So wonderful - the quilts and the giving!

  6. Such a wonderful story and a journey to be proud of. Inspiring Debbie!

  7. You are an inspiration, Debbie! do. Good Stitches is a wonderful example of caring and generosity - I admire you and all the other quilters that are a part of it.

  8. All so beautiful. Job well done!!

  9. Do good stitches is such a great bee. My chapter fell apart. Maybe 2016 I'll find a new charity bee.
