
Monday, July 13, 2015

Times Six

Someone kindly gave my newish newsletter, The Scrap Basket, a shout-out at our recent SMQG meeting. I haven't talked about it much here on the blog, other than to announce it was starting a few months ago. So after having 6 issues 'go to press' I figured it was time to touch base about it.
Basically, it's going really well. Readership is growing (currently over 400), and though I don't get many comments back, the unsubscribe rate's been minimal, so I guess that says something. I publish twice a month, which seems a pretty comfortable rate. If you haven't had a chance to read it, here's the routine . . .

At the onset, I chose several categories that I wanted to focus on:
  • What's Up ~ something popular that's been on the blog, new blogs or Instagrammers I'm following, or an A Quilter's Table feature out in blogland
  • Worth a Read ~ 3-5 links to  a variety of topics I think my readers might enjoy - blog posts, techniques, product reviews, that sort of thing
  • Round-Up ~ usually a gathering of techniques or tutorials
  • In-Studio ~ a sneak peek into my studio work (this hasn't happened yet)
  • On Trend ~ a gathering of blocks or quilts or maybe a technique that is currently trending
  • You Asked ~ answers to inquiries (this hasn't happened yet either)
  • A Glance Back ~ a look back at an older post from A Quilter's Table
So you see, there's some wiggle room, and ideas to mull over for future issues. Each issue, I've chosen 3 categories to focus on, though there could be more. So far, every issue has included Worth a Read and either a Round-Up or On Trend gathering, but that's just where I've felt led over the past few months.

If you aren't subscribed, but your interest is piqued, click here to check out the most recent issue. And if you do want to subscribe, there's a place to enter your email over in the side bar. At any rate, I'm having fun.


  1. I have been truly enjoying your newsletter, it is far better than most I receive. And thank you for including Pow in the most recent version, I have been meaning to email you to say that.

  2. It's always a treat to see your newsletter in my inbox. I deliberately saved the last one for later in the day when I needed a quilty pick me up and I had more time to explore. And, you know what, I looked forward to reading your newsletter all day. Thank you!

  3. I have really enjoyed your newsletter too. I read all of it and check out some of the links you post. Thanks for doing such a great job.

  4. Love receiving your newsletter! Always full of good stuff! Thank you for all the work and thought you put into it.

  5. I read it every time - all the way through - and enjoy it a lot. I have enjoyed your blog for so long, this was a natural progression for you and a "must read" for me. Thanks for all you do to make quilting easier, more enjoyable, and interesting for so many of us.

  6. Glad it's going well for you, and good luck with your FAL list!

    1. Oh, and thank you so much for the mention, I just signed up and read it!

  7. I love receiving your newsletter Debbie! It's a treat to read!!

  8. I love your newsletter and find the content fun and helpful!

  9. Hi Debbie,
    I just subscribed to the newsletter as I really enjoy your work and blog. Have a nice day!

  10. I enjoy the newsletter a lot! And although I don't blog I really appreciate everyone who does, or takes them to do a newsletter so I try and comment regularly. On the newsletter should it just be a reply?
