
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Now What?

Pretty cool stuff! Yesterday the first completed Bee Sewcial quilt was posted, courtesy of Stephanie/Spontaneous Threads. Seriously, check it out! The blocks were a delight all by themselves, but with Stephanie's amazing quilting . . . well just wow.

Later in the day, Diane/Random or "di" posted her finished Bee Sewcial quilt top - oh the color! And all those curves!

Confession: I'm a little jealous that these two gals are as far along as they are! I love the mid-century modern-inspired blocks I've received from my bee-mates, but boy, putting them all together is a unique kind of puzzle! So I figured a status photo was in order, as they are now all up on my design wall so I can mull them over. I keep hoping a plan will come to me soon!

Just as a note, my original inspiration blocks were the 2 bottom center - diamond with light background
and squarish one with the teal background, with backgrounds added just last night.


  1. Oh boy, these blocks remind me of my Uncle Ed's apartment in NYC. He lived right next to the Guggenheim Art Museum, and his decor did not change from the time I was in 3rd grade (1st visit) to the times I was in college. Have fun finishing this quilt top!

  2. They look so good just as they are here. I'm sure you will come up with a great plan.

  3. these blocks are so amazing! Thinking you're going to need to add some negative space somehow. maybe group them into sections? it's going to be beautiful whatever you do!

  4. I have no idea what you are looking for here - asking for ideas or just showing what you have. Sometimes it's easy/hard to read into blog posts and it's also hard to tell sizes. But if you're looking for ideas, what if you took the long coral line on the left-ish side and made that a top left horizontal row and then made the dark corals on the bottom the right horizontal bit. It may make things more in line (causing some things to lower and square up) or it may just makes things a big huge mess! I have faith in you. It will be fantastic! Just go for it.

  5. Debbie, this is amazing! I can't wait to see how this will end up! x Teje

  6. I love it! I've been watching different bloggers and IGers working on blocks from this bee, and now that I see them coming together I'm wanting in. Wow! Love yours.

  7. I've been thinking about your quilt all day...what if you don't go the Diane and Stephanie route and instead take a very planned, very ordered approach, like displaying them in lines with dead space in between or like an art gallery, framed with dead space. If there are too many blocks, two quilts. I just don't know that sewing them all together in a huge puzzle is necessarily something you have to do. Just a thought and I had a few minutes of computer time! :)

  8. Having them up on the design wall is great and you will find the right awesome layout soon.

  9. But it looks so great! You're almost there ; )

  10. I like yours the best - it's really fun, has a mid-century vibe that is really fun. Great job!

  11. Nothing like a good puzzle! The Bee Sewcial quilts have been amazing! I love these blocks ~ such a clever theme!! After a while on the design wall, something will hit you and it will alll come togerther! I'm excited to see it!

  12. this is really cool...My favorite block is the upper right green/orange/black one. To me the quilt looks great as it is displayed..but looking forwarding to seeing what you decide!

  13. Oh man! I am totally jealous of your blocks! They are, "Cool, Daddy! Cool!"

  14. Are you looking for ideas or sharing where you are at? You do have an amazing collection of art to curate 😜

  15. puzzle is the right word but I'm sure you'll solve the design dilemma.

  16. Oh my. This is definitely the best quilt I have seen in a while. The quilt has so much interest.

  17. Debbie this is magnificent! I cannot wait to see how this finishes! I love the mid century modern idea. Looking at it brings back all the memories for me of being a child in the 70s and 80s! Beautiful!
