
Friday, October 2, 2015

Double Meanings

One of the things I love about a quilt finish is taking it out for a photoshoot. There's nothing quite like a handmade quilt out in the wild. I've posted before about the unexpected, even incongruous setting in which I've photographed my quilts, and I do enjoy that. But better yet is when the quilt and the setting just 'fit,' creating a sort of double entendre. Last week on Instagram, I saw two really special 'double meaning' quilt photoshoots, and I asked for permission to share.

Diane/Random or "di" posted Got Scrap?, showing off The Kitchen Sink Quilt, an awesome mix of scraps and orphan blocks, all bound up in binding scraps. And guys! Then Diane took her scrappy wonder to a SCRAP YARD for its photoshoot. Ok, why didn't we all think of that?!

I swear it was the same day that Jill/Pie Lady Quilts shared The Long Road, itself pieced in a creative, somewhat inorganic fashion. It only seemed appropriate for Jill to search out an industrial setting for her photoshoot, and in doing so, has the most delightful story to tell - one of a construction worker with a heart for quilts and a surprising connection to a quilting icon.

photo by Linda Lee

Both of these quilts, with their unique photoshoots and stories, left me with a happy heart and a smile, and I hope you click through to hear from the makers themselves. Personally, they led me to scroll through a bunch of my own quilt photoshoots. And though there's plenty I like, I think there's only one that fits in the 'double meaning' category. And that would be my City Sampler that I took to a city vista so I could get the downtown skyline in the photo. Still one of my favorite photos, and one of my most liked on Ig. Crazy.

I've created a Photoshoots Pinterest board for some of my very favorites - both mine and from others. I'd love to see your favorites - and if you have a double entendre, well all the better!


  1. Thanks for featuring my quilt. Now I have a challenge on my hands, to come up with fun and creative photo shoots for my future finishes. I love your city sampler shot.

  2. Hah this is something I have never worked up the nerve to do. I love how you actually spend time thinking about how you are going to photograph it.

  3. Thank you for including a picture of my quilt! I think the stories are just as fun/important as the quilt and I am happy to share both. Your Space Needle shot is amazing!

  4. I always enjoy seeing the landscapes people include in their photo shoots. I really should be more adventurous when it comes to photographing my quilts. Thank you for sharing these.

  5. awesome! enjoyed reading their stories & seeing their photos. thanks

  6. You come up with the most interesting topics to blog about! I admire this one especially. First, because it's good to know many quilters are "brave" enough to "go into the wild" to take pictures. I do, but always watching over my shoulder to see who's looking at me. I'm terribly embarrassed to be "caught out" taking photos of a quilt where a quilt is rarely, if ever, seen. Second, the double entendre has me trying to think of better places to photograph my named quilts. Maybe I need to borrow your clever mind to help me come up with the right places! Thanks for sharing these pictures. You've given me a fresh perspective. Now if I can just screw up the courage...

  7. I am awful about finding great locations for a photoshoot. Mostly because of time ~ Most of my quilts are gifts or commissioned projects and as soon as I finish - I need to get them to their new owner. Plus - I'm just not a very good photographer, so I guess maybe I don't feel like its worth the extra effort?
    It just so happened that I finished my latest quilt at the beach, and it matched the condo we rented so well, that my husband, after complimenting my pictures, asked if I'd chosen that condo because it would go with the quilt. Haha! (I didn't, but it's funny to think about) The name of the quilt was 'surrounded' and it was fitting, I thought, to photograph it on the beach, where it was surrounded by sand and sea :-)
    Jill's stories are always awesome! I love them as much as her quilts. Your City Sampler shot is amazing!!
    Happy quilting and photographing ~ Tracy

  8. Great post Debbie! The locations enhance the quilts and these photos are beautiful! I have a spot where I want to photograph quilts, but I'm struggling with figuring out how to hang them. Do you have any tricks to share?
