
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

That One Last Step

I'll confess right off that I don't always take the time or have the time or whatever, but I really do love a great photoshoot. You know, photos of a beautifully finished quilt out in the world. Something about the contrasts with nature, with color, and texture. Let's just say it makes me very happy, and it's the perfect finishing touch to a satisfying project.

So lately, I've seen several photoshoots around blogland that I really love. I'm not going to say much about them, as I think they speak for themselves. But do go check out the posts I've linked to. In every case, there are even more gorgeous shots that I know you'll enjoy.

Red Herring by Yvonne/Quilting Jet Girl

Diamond Sky by Jill/Pie Lady Quilts

Ocean Bricks by Cheryl/Meadow Mist Designs

Black and Red Plaid Flannel Quilt by Amy/Diary of a Quilter

So just a reminder. Take your quilts outdoors! Give them some fresh air and a new perspective. And if someone sees you, don't be shy. You've created a masterpiece, and you deserve to show it off!

p.s. Feel free to check out my Photoshoots pinboard - some of my own, and some I just plain like. 


  1. These are beautiful photos! I was discussing this with my DH on the weekend and it seems despite the sighing while holding up the quilts, he is up for some photo shoots so I am going to try to go further afield too.

  2. Just lovely! Thanks for sharing these.

  3. I love it when you feature these - I had kind of forgotten. It's so kind of you to showcase others' work, and to give all of us a window into some beauty we might have missed otherwise! Thanks!

  4. Well said! I love seeing quilts photographed in outdoor settings and must try this myself more often. Thankyou for sharing these with us.

  5. Beautiful pictures that you've shared! However, I can't help but wonder how that Ocean Bricks quilt is suspended over water. I'm thinking someone is skilled with Photoshop! Unfortunately, my photo opportunities are pretty amateurish by comparison.

  6. All beautiful, thank you for sharing!

  7. Love these! Ashley at film in the fridge also gets great photos of her quilts.

  8. Aren't they all stunning! Beautiful photos!

  9. Lovely photographs! I know photographing my quilts is something I need to work on, thank you for sharing!

  10. Thank you so much for including my quilt in this wonderful lineup of pics!

  11. I agree - amazing photographs! Those mountains in the background on Amy's picture are just stunning! I wish I had that kind of landscape here!

  12. I'd seen most of these already but it wasn't until you reposted them here and I looked closely that I noticed that there are no feet in Cheryl's photo of Ocean Bricks!

  13. I admire your effort to pick a great back drop. It takes as much thought as anything else in the quilting process.

  14. These are all beautiful quilts, made even more lovely with the wonderful settings. I've taken my quilts for a walk from time to time too. It is a great way to spend the day and think of creative ways to show off the finishes!

  15. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos! My photography skills are appalling, as are my 'it's finished!' photos. Maybe next time I finish a quilt I'll go further than my fence to take the photo...

  16. Thanks for the show. I always like to see your outside photos because you do a great job. I love taking quilty photos outside too but don't do it enough. I also planned to write a post about it at some point and just haven't gotten around to it.
