
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Embrace the Chaos

Last weekend I had the pleasure of spending the day with Libs Elliott and the SeattleMQG. The class Libs was in town to teach was Embrace the Chaos, which was a class she taught at QuiltCon. Next best thing to being there, right?

The fabric I took to work with was a bundle of stunning Irome Muji, a cotton/linen blend by Kokka that daughter dear had purchased from Circa15 for my birthday. I also pulled from stash some dark gray chambray and some natural Essex linen, thinking I could use them as fillers as needed.

Not knowing what to expect, I was surprised yet pleased when Libs announced we were going to start our projects like a game show. We chose blocks, called out numbers, rolled a huge fabric die, and colored in a plan.

Up until the coloring I was having a grand ole time. But as silly as it sounds, I wasn't into the coloring, and whether to my detriment or not remains to be seen, but I just started making 6 1/2" blocks.

I managed to get 40 some blocks done (easiest first!), and when I got home, laid them out according to my personalized quilt plan. The lighting wasn't great, and colors may be rearranged as I make the rest of my blocks, but the kinds of blocks are all in their assigned places.

So I totally embraced the chaos of creating my own unique design and quite honestly, I'm anxious to get back to it!

photo courtesy Tawnee/tmamaphresh

If you want to know more about Libs and her work, you will enjoy in the q-niverse: code quilter, published in a recent Generation Q newsletter.


  1. what a fun workshop! I probably would have spent the whole day coloring, LOL. Can't wait to see your finished quilt. I love where it's headed

  2. Super fun! I can't wait as I have word she is coming to my guild this summer. Can't wait.

  3. I think I would have done the same as you. Your blocks are looking pretty awesome so far. Libs rocks!

  4. I am loving what you have so far! Libs is just great, I'm glad you got to take a class from her... I did her Weight of Love in the fall :)

  5. That's gorgeous! Do each of the numbers correspond to a block and color? (I spy two numbers in each box.) What a great way to use some classic blocks and make it truly unique!

  6. It looks great! I probably would have skipped the colouring, too!

  7. That workshop sounds like fun! I really like the blocks you've done so far and where this is going. I'm attending a Libs workshop this month at the Montreal MQG and I cannot wait. We're doing her Weight of Love quilt - I'll be learning Y seams which freaks me out just a little! :-)
