
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Modern Sampler :: Block G

Contrary to what it looks like, this month's block in the Modern Sampler Quilt quilt along should not contain improv curves. Oops. So this is another block that obviously was made by human hands, and I'm ok with that.

I found those small curves oh-so-fiddly, but when placed with my other blocks, I'm thinking the new one will pass for OK.

Later in the month I'll be linking up with the modern sampler quilt along: block G link-up.
Meanwhile, it's Scraptastic Tuesday!


  1. Of course it is! I think we pay to much attention to the close up because that's where it is when we make it. Nobody normal looks at a quilt that way - unless it is the quilt police!?? Bet you are learning lots making these. Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!

  2. i love it, looks great with that paintings like border

  3. I think it works perfectly! This is going to be so amazing!

  4. Beautiful taupe fabrics! They make me feel like this whole quilt is going to have a lovely appropriately Japanese flavor. I just cut out my G pieces last night with a self-made postcard template. I have a feeling that they will also look humbly human too.

  5. The circles look great! I haven't gotten there yet... I love your very sedate color scheme! it is going to be a beautiful finished quilt!
