
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Slab Three :: Gentle Curves

For some reason, even though I was looking forward to tackling this month's #seaSLABbom
assignment, I wasn't really happy with what I was coming up with once I got started. The topic was gentle curves, and though I had done my fair share, they just weren't speaking to me. [In case you're new to improv curves, our BOM leader, Matt, suggests this tutorial by Anne/Play Crafts on Lily’s Quilts.] 

Finally, I cut into it, rearranged everything, and liked it a little better. Though now that I've posted this, I'm inclined to go at that right side with my rotary cutter, but we'll see. As it is, my piece is just 21"x25", a tad smaller than suggested, but I think there will be plenty of room for tweaking when it's time to put the blocks together later in the year.

Meanwhile, the block was a welcome addition to my improv strings and triangles blocks, and three months in, these colors are still making me verrrry happy.

Linking up with Ad Hoc Improv Quilters.


  1. The wonderful thing about improv is you can just slice and dice into it and insert something else. One of the reasons I have so much fun with improv.

  2. I'd hold off on slicing the right until I saw what it would end up next to. I especially like the top row and the contrast of the long row of strips against the bottom four. claire aka

  3. I like the movement you've created and to me it looks perfect. I agree with Claire: wait to see what its neighbours will be before wielding the rotary cutter again.

  4. Waiting is good advice, but I know I would just go ahead and slice! Like the colours and you have some lovely touches in this - the change of scale in the top row especially. Thanks for linking up with AHIQ.

  5. Slice & dice! I love your slabs and smile everytime I see them. For some reason the word 'slab' makes me do that! Hopefully I'll get my chance to do some improv today.

  6. Love the composition! There's so much movement and the colors are perfect together. I think I'd be tempted to turn it into a pillow since it looks fabulous all by itself. Of course, you have plans for it--and no doubt those are great plans. I hope you'll continue to show us the phases so we can see how this one lands and how it all comes together.

  7. This worked so well. I like that your freehand cut, sewed then cut again. Your plan to rework the right side is good; there is quite a difference between it and the other sections. As others have said, might be a better idea till you get the section on that side started. Thanks for linking this inspiring post with AHIQ.

  8. Gentle curves is a great prompt and your version looks lovely! Do you happen to remember the name of the blue/gray? I really love that color.
