
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Modern Sampler :: Block K

I'm so close I can taste it! The Modern Sampler quilt along's Block K contained 20(!) little y-seams, but I was actually pleased how quickly it went together.

After putting it up on the design wall with the other blocks, I realized that dark gray was a little too dark. But I think I have a decent plan on how to balance that out in the finished quilt, so I'm leaving it as is. Now just one more block!!

I'll be linking up with the modern sampler quilt along later this month


  1. every time you post one of these blocks I am amazed! so beautiful

  2. This looks perfect! Nice mitered corners!

  3. Y seams. You are such a rock star ; ) This is beautiful!

  4. Looking forward to seeing how your plan works out! This is very cute! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday
